It was nothing...

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I can't believe he thinks I'm fat like yay -.-...

I wonder if he really does,

Awkward times..

Jason brought me down stairs and almost killed me by choking me.

Yeah he literally stuffed food down my throat because I wouldn't eat.

Physco much???

Anyways now I'm back in this fucking prison room trying to escape because if you're like me you want out.

Although he called me fat... And chocked me I still have this little part in me that likes him...

Oh well....

It's what ever.

He wouldn't like me back and we all know why.

"FUCK" I heard Jason scream from down stairs.

Yay angry pants....

I heard foot steps....


He ripped open the door and looked at me intensely.

"Come on we're leaving" he said grabbing my wrist am tugging me outside.

God so touchy.

"I have something to tell you" he said after awhile.

"W-what" my voice sounded gravely.

"I'm taking you out to dinner I want to tell you something" he said smirking.

Jesus Christ people I don't want to eat.

After about an hour in the car we drove up to a nice restaurant.

GEEZE jason.

"Come on babe" he said.




"Ok" was all I could choke out.

We both sat down at a very nice booth and the waiter came over to us.

"How may I take your order" he said staring at me with lust.

"Um ill have a Dr.Pepper" I said.

"What about you sir" he said never leaving eye contact with me.

I started blushing,

"I'll have the same as her" Jason said.

"Right away" he said leaving.

Jason turned and looked at me.

"What are you getting"? He asked.

"I don't know" I said,

"I'll pick for you" he said.

"Okay" was all I said.

The waiter came back and handed me a drink with a napkin.


Jason was pretty pissed.

"Ready to order" he asked me.

Jason butted in.

"I want a steak, and she'll have the noodles with Alfredo sauce" he said coldly.

"It'll be ready soon" the waiter said giving jase and evil glare.

"Bitch" Jason muttered.

After that amazing dinner we were waiting for the check.

"Hello, here's your check" he said tossing it in Jason's direction.

I saw Jason close his eyes and clench his jaw.

"PLEASE JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY JESUS CHIRST WE GET IT YOU LIKE HER" Jason yelled to everyone in the restaurant.

The waiter had wide eyes

"Call me" he said winking in my direction and walking away.

Jason was pissed off in a whole new level.

He grabbed my hand lightly and walked me to his car.

He opened my door and we got in.

"Jason you never told me what you wanted to" I said dully.

"It was nothing"... He spat.



Yes I updated!

I know I take forever.

I'm sorry ✌

Anyways comment/share/vote

Thanks niggas🙊🌸

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