Astra Star

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Astra's POV
"Astra Star!" the teacher boomed out.

I stand up and bump my desk, spilling my pencil case's contents all over the floor.
I blush as the rest of the class hysterically laugh at me.

Miss Marleen just shakes her head and growls at me "Miss Star do I need to send you to the office for disrupting the class?"

I just can't stand letting teachers pick on me. Her point was hardly fair as she was the one to disturb the class in the first place and if her voice hadn't given me a fright I wouldn't have jumped and dropped my stuff which made the class laugh. Also the office? Really? Whoa... Overreaction much!

"Come to the front of the class with that paper you were about to give to Mia!"

I raise my eyebrow and walk to the front of the class, being sure to make it clear that I am still refusing to wear any shoes other than my golden clippy - cloppy heels.

She orders me to read it out even though I tell her she really doesn't want to hear it. I sigh and say okay.

"Mia: I'll miss you
Me: you too, but at least I will be far away from Miss M and her horrible fashion sense."

I stop reading and glance at the teacher to see her reaction so far. Her wrinkly face is red and her fists are clenched. I smirk and continue.

"Mia: lol. It will suck for her when you leave and she has no one to pick on!
Me: haha gosh she is a bad teacher can't wait for my new teachers at Alfea Fairy college!"

I sit back down as I'm finished and the whole class is whispering and giggling at my last three words. I grin proudly.

The teacher looks furious, "what is wrong with you?! You seriously reckon your a fairy?!!" She is basically choking in hate in anger.

I click my fingers and her ugly grey dress turns into a much more flattering one. "Yeah I'd say so" I grin in triumph.

The teacher was screaming at me now, "Astra Star you stop this nonsense right now or I will call the police!!!!"

"No need" I click my fingers and the class phone turns into a vegetable, just like my mother Stella taught me. I calmly walk out and hear the class screaming crying and laughing behind me.

I arrive home early and talk to my Mum who understands. I didn't see what happened after I ditched my last day of school there and I never went back but Mia had called and told me that apparently the teacher fainted and the whole class ditched and went running around the school. This made me laugh but  also cry because I had to say goodbye. Wiping my tears away I carefully place a photo frame of me and Mia in my suitcase and zip it up. I can't believe it but it is finally time to leave my world of Solaria to go to a much more magical place called magix.

"Astra babe are you ready?" Stella calls from downstairs. I use magic to fix my hair and makeup then change into a pink crop top and a blue short skirt. Still wearing my heels I sigh and clip clop down to the portal that will take me to my new school. After saying my goodbyes I step through the it, my suitcases flying behind me, and into a whole nother world.

So that is the first chapter, what do you think? Too quick and short? Too long? Boring?? Please tell! Review my first chapter for a review on your first chapter?? Thanks for reading!

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