Jace In An Alley/We're Bored

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            It was early morning, the grey smog that covered New York like a blanket wrapping itself around Jace in swirling fists. His steps were heavy, echoing loudly against the confined walls of the deserted alley. His slim fingers where curled into a fist, his nails digging into the palms of his hands as his thoughts returned to how Clary had disobeyed him, how she had come to the Glass City when it was so dangerous, as if his warnings meant nothing at all.

            He itched with the desire to hit something, or someone, anything to release the tension building knots in his shoulders. A sharp, musky breeze blew down the alley, and he was suddenly aware of the hairs on his neck standing straight up.  He reached for the sheathed sword hanging at his waist just as he felt a pressure on the small of his back, and suddenly he was flying towards the opposite wall of the alley. His knuckles grazed the wall, and then his head collided with the bricks. His vision flickered for a second as he slumped down to the ground, breathing hitched and fast. He reached up to feel the right side of his head with his aching hand, and when he brought it back down, it was painted red.

                A growl ripped its way through his throat as he sprung up, ignore the throbbing in his head and whipped around, stumbling to find his feet as the world spun around him. He reached for the wall to steady himself, and the demon crouched a couple feet away. It had a rounded, hunched body that balanced on four spindly legs. Its tail was long and ropy, lashing the ground behind it as it sniffed the air. It had black pockets sunken into its head where its eyes should’ve been, seeping a red substance that oozed and gushed. And it was huge, the size of two cars stacked on top of each other, its tail easily 20 feet long.

            Jace reached for his sword again, peering down either side of the creature, looking for a weakness he could seek to exploit, or, at the very least, a way to escape. As his hand wrapped around the hilt, the creature uttered a deep, guttural gurgle and leaped, covering the distance between them far too fast for Jace’s liking. He took a step back, then cursed and turned as he saw the beast’s open mouth close around the tip of his sword. The demon ripped it from his grasp and spat it to the side of the alley where it lay smoking. Jace fled, turning his back to the giant creature as he sped down the narrow alley.

            Looking for an escape, Jace hurriedly looked from side to side, searching for an alley too narrow for the demon to follow him into. Letting out a shout in triumph as he found one, he swung into a side alley so small his shoulders almost brushed the walls on either side of him as he went. He ran a few more feet before slowing to a walk, trying to calm his racing heartbeat. He looked over his shoulder once more to check that the demon was not pursuing him before looking forwards again. He squinted into the dark recesses of the alley, where he saw a dark shape huddled in the alley. Frowning he made to turn around when he heard soft moaning coming from the figure. He reached for his sword and, remembering he had lost it, reached for his faintly glowing stele instead.

            As the sound got louder he quickly turned and, in quick steps, moved towards the figure. The moaning was getting louder, and as he got closer he released what he’d thought was one person was actually two pressed together....DUNDUNDUN

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