Chapter 2

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Since no one seemed to have any ideas I just went ahead and kept going...

As the sound got louder he swiftly turned and, in quick steps, moved towards the figure. The moaning was getting louder, and as he got closer he released what he'd thought was one person was actually two pressed together, their bodies flush against one another from knees to chest. Their heads were touching, and their lips were pressed together, mouths slightly open as they kissed. Jace grimaced as the image brought back memories of Clary's fingers on his arm, her skin warm against his... Pushing the memory away, he quickened his stride and, in three steps, reached the figures. Not giving them time to react, he jackknifed his left fist into one of the figure's sides and then went to stab the other with his stele.

             Even as he moved, the figure he had punched hissed and pulled back the hood he had over his head in one swift motion. Jace froze midswing, his glowing stele inches away from the other figure's side. In the dark, it took a moment for Jace to recognize Alec. His dark hair was in disarray, his cheeks flushed pink, and even his ears were faintly tinted red. 

            "Jace!" Alec spat in a low voice. "What are you doing here?" Jace reeled back as if he'd been punched.

            "I should ask you the same question." Jace growled. Suddenly a hand was on his shoulder, pushing him back and away from Alec.

            "He's with me." The other figure said. Jace snarled, raising his stele again, and then went limp as he saw who the hand belonged to: Magnus.

            "So that's why I can never find you around?" Jace sputtered, looking back and forth from Alec to Magnus, taking in the red tips of Alec's ears again. "You're too busy making out with Magnus at night in alleys." Magnus chuckled slightly and then shrugged delicately as if to say: what can you do?, but when Jace turned to Alec, he was fuming. Jace laughed mockingly.

            "What crawled up your ass and died? Does Magnus' breath really smell that bad?" Jace leered at Alec. If possible, he flushed even brighter red.

            "You, that's what! You can't let me have any alone time; you always have to shove your nose where it doesn't belong." Alec said. Jace snorted, shaking his head.

            "It's not as if you were exactly alone, Alec. And either way, even if I am shoving my nose where it doesn't belong, at least I'm not shoving my dic-" He was cut off as Alec lunged towards him with both hands outstretched, reaching to shove Jace. Jace almost laughed as he danced to the side, leaving Alec stumbling into empty air instead of his chest. Almost with glee, Jace sheathed his stele in his belt and rammed his shoulder into Alec's back, shoving him into the wall. He could almost feel his anger at Clary melt away as he focused on trying to twist Alec's arms out of its socket, instead of on the pain he felt inside. Alec yelped slightly in pain and then-

            Suddenly, Jace's limbs froze. Jace frowned, and tried to pull away from the wall and Alec, but he couldn't move an inch. Alec, however,  didn't seem affected in the least as he wiggled out of Jace's now muscle-less grip and sidled back over to Magnus' side.

            "That's enough play time for now kids." Magnus said, snapping his fingers once. Jace's control over his limbs suddenly returned, and he dropped his arms, shaking out his hands as blood rushed back into his fingers.

            "Bastard." Jace muttered, shoving his hair out of his face with one hand as he narrowed his eyes at Magnus, the fingers of his other hand wrapping softly around his stele.

            "How kind of you." Magnus commented dryly, before glancing down at Alec and giving him a funny sort of smile. "I can't imagine how you could have ever found him even slightly attractive." Alec grimaced and looked away, ducking his head.

            "That's funny." Jace commented, sneering slightly. "I could've said the same to you." Magnus pointed one finger at Jace threateningly, narrowing his eyes.

            "That's enough."

            "That's not what you said to Alec a few minutes ago." Jace jested. Magnus furrowed his eyebrows, glowering darkly at Jace before growling,

            "You should be lucky Alec values you so highly, or you would be no more than a puddle on the side of the street right now." Jace raised his hands then, baring his teeth in a frightening semblance of a smile.

            "Oh, you're right. Your prowess has got me shaking in my boots. Not that I'm wearing boots of course, but if I was, I'm sure I'd be shaking in them."

sorry it's short, but it's late and I just wanted to try and write something before I went to bed. I'll try and upload at least once a week, sometimes more If I have time...Let me know if I made any mistakes or you have any comments. Id' love to hear your thoughts/suggestions!!

vote and comment plz!!

- olive

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2013 ⏰

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