Guys, I really suck at titles and crap

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So there is the remnants of magic left over from long ago powers (not sure what kind yet) that still affect the world today. There are the immortal creatures (such as dragons and fairies) kept alive by the belief of humans, and the knowledge of their stories. The less people that believe/ know the stories, the more they fade. (This is all a kind of... sup-plot, if you will). This magic is what humans call fate, things that are destined to be. Every person has a soul mate, but whether they will find that special person, in this growing population, is unclear. This story will follow a girl and a boy, thousands of miles apart, on their journey to quench the yearning of their souls by traveling. Eventually the girl might be tied into the "magical" world faintly, but more directly than most, but I dunno yet.

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