Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

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7:25 AM


It was a typical Thursday morning and I couldn't be any happier that there was one more day until the beginning of the weekend.

I patiently waited as my coffee continuously brewed itself. I thought about the following events that marked in my agenda.

I grabbed my coffee and started drinking it. "Goodmorning sweetness." My mom smiled as she softly kissed my face.

If I haven't told you already... I'm adopted, and no, there is no shame, and yes, I have accepted the fact that I was not wanted at one point.

"Goodmorning momma." I made her a cup of coffee. "I was thinking that we could do something when you get home," she carefully drank her coffee. "You know, like a girls day."

I loved hanging out with my mom. She was always very supportive and a great listener and very funny, but today was a busy day.

"As much as I hate turning down our girls days out.. I can't," I frowned, and gave an apologetic look. "My agenda is full. I have practice, and then work."

"It's okay, chipmunk." She smiled and put her mug in the sink. "Maybe Netflix and hot cocoa later." She grabbed her coat and slid it on her shoulders.

I nodded in agreement, and watched her grab the rest of her daily essentials. "I have to go to a meeting now, but I will catch you later, love you." She walked out the door in no time.


"Goodmorning Gregwood High School," a familiar voice came onto the loud speaker. "Today is Election Day, and before I tell you who our new politicians are.. I just want to thank everyone that participated in the votes and everyone who carried on with the counts and population."

There was a short moment of silence, and was it weird that my palms were getting all sweaty and itchy?

"Our new Student Body President is Nick Gregwood." Everyone cheered, except for me.

I mean of course he would get that place, he's the principle's son. I sighed in disappointment and frustration- my thoughts were interrupted when...

"Our new Vice President is Mandi Highmen." I smiled at those 6 simple words as everyone congratulated me.

I looked in the back of the classroom and realized the one and only Bridget Daniels was glaring at me. I shot her a confused look that was until someone jumped on my back.

"You fucking made it!" My bestfriend Courtney screamed.

"Courtney!" Mrs. Fitz gasped, "Language." She hobbled to her desk as me and Courtney snickered.

"It's not the position I deserved, but it'll do." I nodded in acceptance. "Does this mean you get to work with the Nick Gregwood?!" She shrieked, more excited than me.

I guess it did mean I had to work with him. Not that I didn't want to, but it was kind of upsetting he got the position of Student Body, and I'm 99.9% sure he didn't do anything to earn that spot.

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