Leo Valdez

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So I've noticed that a lot of people like *cough* adore *cough* Leo and that really bugs me. I mean, yeah, he had a hard past but he wasn't the only one that did. Annabeth ran away at the age of seven. I've seen people say that you can't compare it since Annabeth's dad didn't die, but really? She ran away at seven. I forgot the exact age, but I know for sure that Leo was either older or about the same age when he ran away. Also people tried to help Leo. It says that he jumped from foster home to foster home. Leo just turned down all the help he got. So even if Annabeth had Luke and Thalia, Leo was offered help as well. Then Thalia, even she had a terrible past. She had an abusive mother and she lost her brother to what she believed was death. My point being, Leo wasn't the only one with a hard past.
Also, Caleo. At first, I was one of the biggest shippers of Caleo but then I read something that changed my mind. In the BoO in the last chapter Leo says that he wants to explore the world with Calypso, but what about his friends? What about the people that were out of their minds with grief for their friend? Does Calypso, a girl he barely knows, really come before that? In conclusion, he put a girl he barely knew, before his friends.
This reason is a continuation of the previous one. Leo let his love and devastation I've Calypso overrun him. I think that most people forget that Leo and Calypso barely knew each other. They were barely together for even a few days. He lets her overrun his thoughts and change his personality. He spends less and less time with his friends and then in BoO he practically ignores them. He spends his whole time trying to build something that will take him back to Calypso. Also, people forget that Percy also tried to save Calypso. It wasn't just Leo. The rest of the seven don't ignore Leo because they have a boyfriend/girlfriend. So this is another reason, Leo ditched his friends when he found a girlfriend.
In conclusion, Leo left everyone he loves for a girl he only knew for a few days. He also is viewed as a seventh wheel. That is not entirely true. Sometimes, you could say he is but it honestly is not that often. So basically, I think the fandom exaggerates everything horrible that has happened to Leo. That is my opinion.
Thank you if you read all of this. If you unfollow me because of what I said than okay. I don't care if you don't respect my opinion. But feel free to comment your opinions(even if they are not the same as mine)-MAKE SURE YOU HAVE EVIDENCE TI SUPPORT YOUR POINT

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