Chapter Three

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Rach looked at her mum "No I Don't want to, I wanna stay here" she was scared to leave the office.

"Rach please you're be much more safer at home"

Rach shook her head "No, I Can't let them win mum" she snapped

"And i cant let my Daughter be laughed at because of what he's done to you" Frances Snapped back at her not meaning to at her

Rach nodded "fine I'm going, mum?"

"yeah sweetie"

"What if I am pregnant?"

"We'll talk about that tonight at home where it's more private"

Rach just nodded with tears "I'm sorry"

"Don't be baby" she said pulling her into a hug, she held Rachel tight and kissed her head, Frances knew that if she was she couldn't be mad at her was it wasn't her fault

Rachel never said anything she wanted to stay in her mums arms or eddies arms as she felt safe, she slowly started to stop crying.

Stuart had gotten a blue can of paint and went over to Frances sports car and threw the paint over the car, he then found a metal pole, he was angry that Rach had left him and wanted everyone who was close to her to suffer. Rach looked out the window


"Yeah honey" Frances had her back to the window

She didn't know how to tell her that Stuart was still on the school grounds, "I'm sorry"

"Hey don't be"

"No I mean I'm sorry for dragging you into this" she knew that everyone who was close to her was gonna suffer

"Honey I'm glad you did"

"But your gonna get hurt..."

"I don't care if it means protecting my daughter and her best friend, then it's worth it honey"

Rach nodded "you know your favourite sports car?"

Frances looked at her a little confused "what about it?"

"Erm..its cover in paint I'm sorry, it's all my fault"

Frances looked out the window and sighed, she loved that car "Rach sweetie it's not your fault"

"It is, if I haven't walked out on him none of this would of happened"

"And if you stayed you would of been dead, you did yourself a massive favour"

"But that was your favourite car,"

"I know but Rach it's just a car, I can get it fixed where as you I can't lose you"

She nodded "you can't walk home on your own in case he hurts you"

Frances nodded as she knew that Rach was right, she was thinking of getting back in contact with Rachel's dad Colin, as she had a thought that if Rach was pregnant then Colin had a right to know "I'm thinking about getting in contact with your dad"

Colin had walked out on them when Rachel was three, he left the, because he would get high on drugs all the time and he didn't want to hurt Rach, as Rach got older he would buy her presents for her birthday or Christmas and sometimes for now reason at all, he would leave the presents on the door step.

Rachel looked at her, she missed her dad loads and would do anything to see him again, she wanted to see him as she could learn to fight back if she was ever in a fight "I miss him mum" she said with more tears

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