I watch as the fields cascade across my vision of the train window. They could almost be a screen savor for Windows or a stock photo for Google. It's beautiful really, but nothing I haven't soaked up before. I watch as we make our stop next to the high school I travel so far to attend, it's a boarding school after all. It's cliché as hell but what ever it's good either way . I get off the train with my bags and start the journey down the road of the school and what looks like the entrance of the city a few miles down the same road. The walls are made of a metal, of some sort iron or steel most likely, they are very.......historical looking I guess. I continue my journey down, the school is surrounded by agricultural and it looks like I'm in the Central Valley again, but in all reality I'm in Kansas, again cliché as hell but oh flippen well what are ya gonna do about it? The only damn reason I'm at this school is because my parents are dead and I didn't save them in time, I was to just helping myself that they are dead because of me and I had no idea how else to deal with that type of loss so I packed my stuff up and left. It was midnight when then they attacked, some sort of weird hybrid thing. It wasn't a vampire nor was it a werewolf, but I knew the cause. The damn apocalypse. I fought until I killed the three on me, my parents on the other hand where never really hunters. They where Men of letters, all brains no brute force. I on the other hand decided to train to fight against them so when I survived an they didn't, my papa's last words where Lebanon, Kansas. He died with my Dad in his arms and I never looked back just pulled myself up by the boot straps and dug a hole buried my parents and burned those evil sons of bitches bodies till their ash was trash. I continue to get my things together, grab a photo of them and went to buy a train ticket because there is no way in hell I was flying. That's how I got here, my best guess as to why I'm here with an old ass looking key is for the men of letters bunker, but on my train ride here I was called by a school outside of Lebanon and told I would attend there for the next 4 years. My Dad was always talking about how soon we would move and I would go to this wonderful school we just needed to buy a house withthe right...... conditions. I guess they found it otherwise why would i have this key and have a call from a school who thinks I'm enrolled. Why would they want a house by the school and pay all this money if its a boarding school? To tell you honestly, I have no clue. It's weird even for me. I reach the tall elegant looking,almost mansion looking, doors. I open the door and the office looks expensive..... new. "How may I assist you today?" A lady asks, she looks to be about 20, "My names Cassiopeia Gage, we talked on the phone earlier. Possibly?" I say and her face lights up, its kinda creepy. "OH yes come Miss. Gage I'll have Marge show you around and she puts her hand out to another young lady. I grab my things and follow Marge out of the back doors and into a grand looking court yard. Damn Dad and Pops did some hustling to get me here I follow the lady into another hall and we stop in front of a door. " This will be you room for the next 4 years as your father has already payed its off." She says handing me another key and walks off. Nice? I put the key into the lock and unlock the door and open it to see a nice looking room, with one bed? Sweet. I thought this would turn into some Zoey 101 thing and I would have to share a room. I go back and grab my bags and when I enter again I notice a piece of paper and a letter. I read the paper and it reads

Welcome Miss. Cassiopeia its an honor to have you attend our humbled school, here is your schedule

0600 Breakfast
0800 English
0945 Art
1230 Lunch
0130 Math
0300 Science
0515 Music
0700 Physical education

You are dismissed all day and are expected to attend tomorrow's classes.

-Sincerely, Dean Mary Burke

Nice. I look over to the envelope and decided against opening it, I have a bad feeling about it. I look at the school provided clock and see it's only 4 o'clock. I grab the map that came with the paper and head over to the door slipping my key in my cardigan (Its like a sweater and I'm cold so hush) I walk down the hallway that I came from and back into the court yard and it looks like I have an hour and 15 minutes by myself before I can meet anyone, not like I'm jumping to make any at the moment. I feel a heavy breeze against my face and it makes me jump I want expecting to be caught off guard, but when I release my next breath it crystallized. My eyes grew wide and I booked it to my room fumbling with the key when it got caught on my cardigan, damn you style, and dropping it; I pick it up but not before I'm flipped around and I feel a pressure on my throat. The ghost flickers on and I'm able to see her face but then something strange happens. His face starts twisting in what looks like pain and my finger tips start glowing, I'm no longer freaking out about being chocked. I'm freaking out about glowing, then pain starts to hit me. My knee's buckle and I fall to the ground, the ghost starts to swirl around until it comes towards me and I start to back up against a wall but it's too quick for me and it hits me going down my throat. My stomach starts burning super bad but I do not scream, I know I can't someone will come and try to help me and I don't know how to explain it to them. I mean what am I going to say, ' oh yeah i was getting attacked by a ghost and then I ate it and now I'm in pain.' Yeah that's a one way ticket to fun land aka the mental asylum down the street. Tears start to burn up but there's nothing I can do to change it so I truck on and get up, unlock my door and lay down eventually passing out from the pain.

Sorry for being short but at least its 1170 words so......

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