Twenty Five

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We'd been together six years. Noah was getting raises coming out of his ears, he was such a natural teacher, and boy did he still look handsome when he came down in his suit every morning for breakfast.

"Good morning Gorgeous" I'd say to him while I made toast for our three year old, balancing the baby on my hip.

"Hello Beautiful," he'd reply, looking into my eyes that same way he did six years ago in the library.

 "Why is there a fairy say at our kitchen table?" he asked me.

He was talking about Ellie, our drunken accident, who soon turned out to be our absolute world, pride and joy. Who would have known how much a tiny baby can change you're entire life, she turned our world upside down, for better or worse, it didn't matter, we loved her, well and truly.

Ellie had become very attached to her fairy costume recently, it had become a struggle to get her to even bath as she hated taking it off. I'd given up last night and just let her sleep in it, hence why she already had it on at 7am. Mind you she probably would have changed into it anyway. It was cute to see her sat there in it though, her rosy cheeks almost the same colour as her bright pink dress and her matching wand she waved about.

"I don't know Noah, it keeps following me round the house though, I think we're going to have to call in the fairy removers to get rid of it though!"

"How about we just tickle the fairy until she magically disappears?"

"Oh, maybe, but you might have to tickle her for a long time" I joked with my husband as he devoured our little girl in tickles and kisses. She giggled away at the table. She has my chestnut hair and Noah's bright blue eyes with a little round face, she was gorgeous like her daddy.

Baby Ben giggled too, flapping about in my arms as Noah gave him a tickle making sure he wasn't left out of this breakfast madness. Ben had come along 9 months ago. A 'honeymoon baby' people would say, and yes, he was the result of a hot and steamy honeymoon. Ellie got to be a beautiful flower girl before spending two weeks with my parents while me and Noah jetted of to the Caribbean; bliss.

"I don't think this little pink fairy is going to be going anywhere anytime soon!" Noah exclaimed, "Perhaps we should just keep feeding her with jammy toast until she explodes" he turned to Ellie as I put her toast down on the table.

"Eat up my little munchkin," he smiled, "and be a good girl for mummy."

He leaned down and kissed the top of her head before coming over to grab Ben, tossing him in the air before finally giving him a kiss and placing him in his highchair for me to feed. Ben babbled away as Ellie started telling him why fairies need to have jam on their toast every day to keep their wands working.

"I'm going to have to dash, I'll grab something form the schools breakfast club"

"OK, I'll see you this evening, have a good day, I’ll have dinner on the table for when you get home" I'd completely engulfed myself in the housewife role since we'd had Ellie, I loved it so much I’d forgotten about my original plans of work, luckily Noah earned enough for me not to have to work. He was definitely my star.

"Sorry Gracie, I'm going to be home late again today. I love you"

I sighed, "I love you too" I replied as he gave me a kiss on the cheek before walking out the door leaving me to spend my day playing fairies, reading books and changing nappies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2011 ⏰

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