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Chapter One: Angry Or Hungry (Or Both)
Waiting. For exactly one hour and twenty three minutes. That little dickhead thinks he can show up whenever he wants? Well, I surly don't think so. He'll get what he deserves if I could only find him. I sighed with frustration, took my little sport bag and was ready to leave my seat. And, of course, he showed up.
"Shit! Sam! My bus was holding me after school and my teacher was had a flat wheel..." he said too quickly, out of breath. "I mean-"
I stoped him, crossing my arms against my chest. "Save it. I'm going. Our date is over. Thank you SO MUCH for the really romatic dinner." We only "dated" for a week and he blew it. What an asshole. I'm not even THAT gay, anyway.
I started walking towards the exit of the café but he ran after me, blocking my way out. "Please!" He begged, his eyes shined with soon-to-be tears, "last chance. I promise."
I rolled my eyes and went back to my seat. I could kick his ass for that. "That's a third. On that week only." I growled, very unsatesfied.
"I know..." he murmured in his most shy voice, "I had... things." He's hiding something, clearly. He paused for a second, thinking his way out, as usual.
"I'll buy you whatever you want from the menu." He smiled a little, adorable smile and kicked my leg gently under the coffee table. "Now we're talking!" I smiled from one ear to the other. He sure knew how to make me forget about everything. I can't really remember the last time I ate a decent meal. The work in the café did had some breaks, and they allowed eating from what we serve- but they cut it off my payment. I couldn't loose more money, so I skipped it for almost five weeks. Living on cheap food I've been able to buy. After my mom passed, Kaylin went and lived with our uncle, she deserves so much more...
Meanwhile I had to sell the house, work instead of trying to learn in school and all of that, while managing to be the Nova.
And now, I sit in a café with my stupid-ass-date, waiting for the food to come. I looked at Peter, he talked about his new lab equipment. He was so excited about it for some fucking reason. He rumbled about it for almost forever until the food has arrived. He filled his mouth with food and continued to rumble about mambo-jambo-science stuff.
"So," I said, after he stopped his talking for a minute to take another bite from his pasta, "why were you actually late?" He got silent, finishing what he has in his mouth. "Well, I told you- the bus I took had a fla-" I stopped him again, "Peter, the real reason please."
He sighed, "I got nervous and got stuck in the toilets. But my teacher did held me back after class!"
I laughed, he's such an idiot. "I figured. It's okay. Just don't do it again."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2015 ⏰

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