Chapter 13: Egg Theif *Hehehehe*

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IcedSapphire was taking a night flight as usual but this time something went wrong. As she was heading back to the castle she heard screaming. She could tell even though she was far away it was Akira. She turned immediately and went straight to Akira's house. As she got closer she could see Akira, Apollo, Carno, and a few other guards with baskets. She heard Akira scream again and she flew faster and got between Carno and Apollo which looked like they were going to start fighting. As she landed she could see some other guards inside were trying to put Akira's eggs in the baskets. This made IcedSapphire furious.

IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: Akira! Are you alright? *Akira slightly nods with a wing over her beak, IcedSapphire then turns to the guards with her eyes burning bright blue* You guards, this is a command from your Princess and general, PUT THE EGGS DOWN! Akira, Apollo go to the eggs and protect them, I'll deal with this!. *IcedSapphire's entire begins to glow blue and white as she turns to Carno and begins to walk slowly* Now tell me Carno, what is the meaning of this?!

Carno_Vulture: My lady, I dearly apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. I am only doing my duty as city commander and a loyal bird of King Abraxas. Without a sound household for these eggs to be cared for, there is no chance I would let them continue living here. The parents are unfit to take on the eggs and so the orphanage is the best place for them. I took what needed to be done and put it into my own hands.

IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: Listen to me and listen to well Carno you have no right to take these eggs away from Akira. She will a perfectly fit parent on her own and I'm sure if she needs anything she will ask a good friend or Najaal. This is not a royal matter this is a family matter and the orphanage is only for birds that have no parents! Not when one still fully alive and willing and wanting to take care of them. You will never take matters into your wings, you will always consult Abraxas first. Only then will you truly be loyal. Now as princess Luna Amina, leave this place now and never return, unless you are given Akira's permission!

Carno_Vulture: I am sorry, Apollo. *Flies off out into the forest.*

(Apollo lays his head in misery and then quickly follows after Caro. IcedSapphire approaches Akira to see if she's alright.)

Akira_Raven: (On the verge of tears) It's okay, IcedSapphire. Everything is okay.

IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: *Hugs Akira* Okay, if you say so. But if it's all the same to you I think I need to stay here tonight or you and your eggs need to come to the castle because you can't be alone. It's too dangerous. *Goes inside the house and puts the eggs back in the nest and performs healing magic*

Akira_Raven: *Follows* Sapphire, they are fine. *Laughing a little* I doubt they really need healing. Thank you for your support but I really do think that things would have worked out without your assistance. You probably kept a relationship together, though. I thank you for that. *Looks gently at eggs* I thank you. Najaal will be glad to hear of your aid. I can't say things are settled, however. I had hoped that no one would know about Najaal leaving and that I could continue life as was, but it seems not. I have to face up to the fact that it is not best that things carry on in this manner. I should go talk to mother. She will know what to do. Can I ask that you stay with them when I go? I might leave after a while and then after that not an hour should pass before my return. Would you be a dear? Oh, and I would love that you stay the night. If you would.... I really don't feel comfortable at the castle.

IcedSapphire_SnowyOwl: Oh, of course I'll stay, anything I can do to help. I understand not a lot of people feel comfortable at the castle. I'm sorry the news about Najaal got out, I honestly didn't know until now. I wonder what made Carno get so aggressive with this, normally Apollo can keep him calm. *Starts to make tea and clean up Akira's house*

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