Chapter Three

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"So she's been missing for how long?"

"Two days," Alex inhaled sharply, trying to steady herself. "We've tried calling, but she won't pick up.

Alex, Abby and Christen sat in a small conference room with the FBI.

FBI agent, Jonathan Finx, wrote all this down on a notepad.

"So you have no idea where she is? You haven't asked around or anything?"

"What do you think?" Alex snapped. "You wouldn't be here if we knew where she was!!"

Christen put a hand on Alex's shoulder. Alex let out a shaky breath.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

"I think what Alex is trying to say," Abby shot a quick death glare at her, "is that we're all very worried. Tobin has never done anything like this. Sure, she might go and catch some waves when we're in Cali, but she always leaves a note."

Agent Finx nodded, scribbling down some words, then looked up at the concerned women.

"We'll definitely be monitoring the situation. I suggest you ask around; coaches, family members, cab drivers, bar tenders-"

"Tobin doesn't drink," Alex said, firmly. "She's a Christian."

"Well, people will surprise you," Finx replied, looking over his notes. "Just keep an eye out. We'll be in touch soon."

As the three teammates walked out, they each felt like their questions had not been answered.

"I can't believe his arrogance!" Alex hissed, furious. "He acted like we were 14 years old! We're no closer to finding Tobin than before!"

Christen hesitated before saying,

"Well, in his defense, it is part of his job to examine the obvious."

"Guys," Abby interrupted. "Why are we sitting here, arguing? We should be out and searching!"

Alex nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go. We'll ask the hotel managers first..."


Tobin yawned and stretched lazily as the bright sun shined through the dusty windows of Hannah's shelter.

Hannah had taken Tobin to an old apartment complex that had been abandoned a few years before.

"Lots of people live here," she had said.

Hannah lived with a few of her friends- Ace, Trey, Blaine, Jasci (Say JAY-SEE), Lionel, and Aston- who quickly welcomed Tobin as one of themselves.

"Good morning, Toby."

Jasci's voice sounded from across the room. Usually, Tobin would've snapped at that nickname, but for some odd reason, she didn't. So instead, she smiled and got to her feet.

"Good morning Jasci."

"Aston wanted me to tell you that we're going to breakfast soon."

"Thanks. I'll be out in a minute."

"He says to meet him at complex 4."

"Okay, I'll be there."


Tobin had met Aston the night before. He was about her age, with dusty brown hair and dark eyes.

"Aston Saunders," he had told her. "If you need anything, I'll be here."

Once Tobin had cleaned up a bit, she jogged down to complex four, where Aston, Hannah, Jasci and Ace were waiting.

"Did you sleep okay, Tobes?" Aston asked.

Tobin blushed. Tobes. The name Alex used to call her.

Tobin pushed the memories away and nodded.

"I slept fine, Aston," she replied. "But I am starving! Let's get some food!"

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