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I ask what happened to the rogue. The illusion talent tells me the guy drowned. Right. I don't ask any more questions.

No coffee. I head for the Sunshine Café. I sense the change when I go through the door. Good energy in the Sunshine today.

Got a new employee, Marge tells me. Name is Isabella Valdez. New employee comes out of the kitchen. That's when I know.

Isabella Valdez is the source of the good energy in the Sunshine. I introduce myself. She pours coffee for me.

Isabella Valdez is a talent of some kind. Very high grade. Another talent in this small town? What are the odds?

I sit at the counter for a long time, thinking about Vortex. Just what I need, another conspiracy of rogue psychics to worry about.

After a while I stop thinking about Vortex. I think about Isabella Valdez instead.

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