Chapter 1- The Burrow

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The Weasley's came for us on that Sunday, and let's just say that we couldn't get out of there soon enough. I could have sworn that I saw Uncle Vernon turn as red as a tomato, when they came, it wasn't at all pretty. Then Dudley had to pick up a sweet that one of the twins dropped. I couldn't believe what happened next, Dudley's tongue grew about twice the size and started to turn purple, I had to think about something that wasn't funny to keep me from giggling, Harry chuckled a little, until I elbowed him in the ribs, but I had to admit it was bloody hilarious. Arthur Weasley however looked so embarrassed and a bit angry with the twins.

In what seemed like forever we left the Dursley's behind, Hedwig and Snowy were already on their way to The Burrow, Snowy was my owl, she was also Hedwig's sister, Hagrid bought both of them for us, and ever since I saw her, I knew that she was the owl for me, and like Hedwig she too had been intelligent. I also have a wolf that I found one day in the Forbidden Forrest, but he had to stay with Hagrid at Hogwarts, could you imagine if I brought him to the Dursley's with us, they would have freaked. His name was Shadow, mostly because he had a black sleek and beautiful coat, and because everyone said that he followed me like a shadow, he also had these beautiful bright green eyes that were breathtaking.

We had our trunks packed for the last week and we were just itching to leave the Dursley's, so it didn't take long for us to leave. We went upstairs to get our trunks and everything that we needed, we would be staying at the Weasley's until we had to go to Hogwarts, so that meant that we needed to have everything packed. Once we arrived at the Burrow, Ginny ran to greet us, she hugged me and I hugged her back, it felt like forever since I last saw her. After Mr. Weasley tapped our trunks and they disappeared, he took Fred and George to their house by the ears, and left Harry, Ginny and I standing outside.

"Asteria, it feels like forever since we talked." She said grinning at me.

"I know, sending each other owls just doesn't feel the same as actually talking, and you won't believe the summer I've had, it was brutal." I told her.

"Well we will have plenty of time to talk, you and I are sharing a room, and Hermione just sent an owl that she will be here early tomorrow morning." Ginny told me.

"That is going to be so great." I replied.

"Hello Asteria," Ron said walking behind Ginny, slightly blushing. "Hi Harry."

"Hello Ron," Harry and I responded simultaneously. "Did you have a good summer so far?" I asked him.

"I did, how about you?"

"Same as always, when you go to the Dursley's you are in for a bad time, that and Dudley's stupid friends wouldn't leave us alone."

"Mum's just made some lunch I hope you both are hungry." Ron said.

"Are you kidding? We're starving." Harry and I said in unison.

"Bleeding Aunt Petunia is doing this diet thing." I said. "And let's just say, it was horrible."

"By the way Hedwig and Snowy are already here, if I forgot to mention that before." Ginny said.

"You did, I am glad that they made it here safely." We made our way inside and Mrs. Weasley greeted us with a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I am so glad you made it here safely," She said. "I have lunch ready if you want to go up and get your brother's Ron, they're in their room." Ron left for only just a short moment and then he came back with both Fred and George, who sat on the table, I took the seat in front of them, Harry took the seat next to me, Ginny sat in the seat next to George and Ron sat next me. Mr. Weasley sat at one end of the table next to Ron. There was home baked bread, chicken, some vegetables, and some mashed potatoes.

The Mark (The Tales of Asteria Potter Book 1) (A Harry Potter Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz