Chapter 2

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It all started to go wrong when Sebastian Henderson V found his supposed fiancée on the £5000 bed he bought for their bedroom (which she insisted he buy), riding the butler like a pro. He stood there shocked for a second before slamming the door which quickly alerted them to his presence. Lauren immediately jolted from the bed and began to cry fake tears saying she could explain, it was not what it looked like, it was not her fault, she was tempted blah blah. Ian simply leaned his 6’5 frame against her enormous shoe collection, folded his arms and simply watched her with a stony face. He turned to the butler, who was hurriedly picking up his clothes and said to him in a quiet but menacing tone, ‘get out of my house, you’re fired’. The butler stood still contemplating whether to speak or not. This angered Sebastian immensely and as a result, he exploded; ‘Get out!’, he roared to which the  imp scampered off like a chicken. Turning back to Lauren, he watched with disgust as she cowered against the wall, her body racking with fake sobs.  Days ago, this act of subservience and pleading would have gotten her anything she wanted, be it a car or a day at the spa, but not today. Not when he had found out that she was a manipulative and deceitful bitch. And catching her bouncing on the butler with gusto was a hard slap on the face but in a way, was reality telling him to wake up. 

Lauren, seeing that her usual act of weeping was not working, decided to try a different tactic. She moved up to him, touching his arm gently and ‘’inconspicuously’’ letting the sheet fall from her body to reveal her breasts. ‘Honey please forgive me, I was so lonely and you haven’t been home lately. But now that you’re here, perhaps we can forget what just happened and move on’, she said batting her eyelashes at him. Sebastian could not believe his eyes, was she that much of a slut that she would expect him to jump her after she just spread her legs for someone else? He got his answer when she tried to reach for his crotch through his trousers. This time, he saw red, picked her up by her arms, stomped downstairs, went through the foyer, opened the main door and deposited her outside with only the sheet covering her body. When Lauren discovered his plan, she began to trash about furiously, screaming on the top of her lungs about how he couldn’t possibly do this to her, how they were to be married in a month and proclaiming that he would come back to her soon. All these fell on deaf ears as Seb shut the door on her face.  ‘ROSA!’, he bellowed at the top of his voice. The maid quickly rushed out to him and soon he instructed her to pack all of Lauren’s things and send it back to the bitch and that she was not to enter his house again. He didn’t even wait to hear the maid comply with his wishes as he went out through the backdoor, started up his car and pealed out of his garage. Twelve minutes later, he parked on a busy London street and walked up to a Victorian-styled building, knocking on the door wildly.

‘Blimey! I’m coming! Who on earth will be knocking – ‘,Michael stopped his rant as soon as he saw his dishevelled and obviously furious friend at his doorstep. ‘Good Lord! Whatever happened to you mate?’, Seb did not reply but simply barged his way in and sat on the sofa. His next words; ‘I caught Lauren cheating’ immediately shocked Michael and he knew his friend was really upset this time. ‘Shit! She was cheating? How come?’.  Seb laughed mirthlessly at his friend’s shocked face and said, ‘I don’t know, she must have been really good at hiding her whoring because I was as surprised as you’. ‘What are you going to do then? Is the wedding still on?’ ‘Fuck no!’, Seb replied, ‘I would rather die than marry that slut. Do you know she even suggested I fuck her after I caught her with the butler?’ This time, Michael spewed out his drink in surprise and agreed with his friend; ‘You are right, she’s a slut. It’s a good thing you found out before you got married. What are you going to do now? Your mother will practically chop your head off when she finds out you are no longer getting married especially with your status’.  Sebastian realised his friend was right, as the next Duke of Winchester (the most powerful and wealthy dukedom in the country) he had to get married soon as a society protocol. He had no trouble getting ladies, standing at 6’5, with dirty blond hair, greenish-blue eyes and a muscular frame, 26 year old Sebastian was the catch of the upper class London society. It was not the concept of marriage that repelled him, it was the idea of getting married to appease a group of people who thought of nothing else except money, class, fashion and all the air-headed things in life.  If he was getting married, he would marry because of love and lately the women in London were only after him because of his status and wealth.

He sighed deeply and turned to Michael, ‘I’m tired of it all Michael, I just want to go somewhere where I can be myself and just enjoy life. What am I going to do?’, he said running his hand through his blond hair. Michael looked at his friend and decided he needed help, he had never seen Seb looking so dejected and tired. Soon an idea came to his mind; ‘Hey! You took education studies in university, right? Why don’t you start putting your education to good use?’ ‘What do you mean?’. There was an excited gleam in Michael’s eyes as he replied, ‘A friend of mine is a principal in a secondary school in Oxford, he’s looking for a teacher to teach English literature. And judging by your impressive education, I’m sure you’ll be the man for the job’. Seb was curious but wary at the same time; ‘I don’t know mate. Oxford? That’s quite far from here. Besides, my mother would freak’. ‘But that would be the fun in it! You get to piss off your mum and do what you want. I doubt anyone would even know who you are there. Go on mate, take the chance’.

Sebastian pondered over what his friend had suggested and decided he would give it a try. He had never worked since he graduated and his mum would blow up once she found out he ditched the wedding to become a mere teacher. Once he returned home, he called the principal of the school and had a chat with her. It did not take long before he got the job, given his status and his resume. Afterwards, he called his estate agent to get him a presentable house in Oxford, ignored his mother’s calls (guessing that Lauren may have gone crying to her), asked Rosa to pack up his clothes and the chauffeur to prepare his car for the journey. In a week, he would be on his way to Oxford.

And that’s the first two chapters guys, please be merciful and lenient with your criticism (lol) as I am new and thought I should try my hand at writing. Oh, and ignore some terms in the first chapter as they are African slangs which stem from the culture and conservatism in the place. I’ve always been a fan of interracial and teacher/student relationships so I decided to merge the two. If I get enough comments, I will write and upload the next three chapters. So, bring on the comments people lol! Thanks for reading :)

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