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"Caitlin please just come walk with me. Do you know how much of a loser I'll look like walking by there table all alone!?" I begged Caitlin, my best friend, to walk with me down the lunch room by his table.

"Xenya you know I hate walking by them. I always feel judged." She complained pulling her arm from my grasp.

I looked at her and with one look she could tell how much I wanted this. With one look she could see how much I wanted to see him. She lets out a breath of air feeling defeated while nodding her head yes. I let out a huge smile and huge her. She releases me and gathers her things while I gather mine. I walked beside her and with one look it happens, we walk by his table. My heart seems to be more prominent, every beat seemed so much more dramatic. The world's sounds that were once surrounding me, faded out into the sea of nothing. My eyes never leaving his face as he sat down laughing along with his friends.

His eyes were always so captivating blue like crystals. I've seen plenty of blue eyes in my life, but his... They just seem so much more captivating. They hold something hidden behind them and I, being the curious fox, want to find out what exactly it is he's hiding behind those deep blue orbs.

Then I breath and it's over and the world is back to normal.


I could feel eyes on me. I look up and find myself staring at the back of a blond head of curly hair.

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