Chapter 4: The road to Uberi home of Clifre

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The Road Uberi home of Clifre


arrator: AB turns and walks back to his cruiser. As he gets back into the cruiser, he puts the Rolly onto the passenger seat.

AB: "I don't know Rolly. This Jeftrox mask, I feel that it's going to be major, Rolly. Hm, come on. Who pays one million Iiegos for a mask? And if it did belong to Koan Iiegos, then one million Iiegos is not nearly what it's worth. Can you imagine the power this thing must possess? It has to be immeasurable to anything that we have ever witnessed before Rolly. What do you think?"

"Oh yes, Rolly, that name. You're right about that." {Ab shaking his head} "The Name Jeftrox sounds familiar, but where? Let's not worry Rolly, the answers will come."

Narrator: Appleberry starts back on his journey to find Clifre. The signs read 130 motates to Uberi, 75 Asin and 20 motates to Luvit. With 130 motates to go, that will be just enough time for AB to regain his composure. Besides the streets are very dreadful, especially the dark tunnel right there when you are leaving Asin and are entering into Uberi {Deaf Untold}. {AB thinking about the unsolved horror cases of the 6 ½ motates drive through the tunnel.) It's one of the most-deadly stretches in all of San Carlos.

[AB was still talking to Rolly.]

AB: No lights. No sounds from within hearing distance. Nowhere to turn but backwards. (AB starts feeling aggitated.). "Grr-rr-r-r we have to make it Rolly-ly, Gr, rr I can't let these bastards get away with this anymore." (AB closes his eyes thinking of Janelle his deceased partner.) "She was so innocent, so pure. She never had an evil thought not once, not even towards her enemies. She was always saying, 'Look through their emotions and intents, Appleberry. If you listen to what their hearts are saying, then and only then, will you find the true answers that you are searching for.' Emotions Appleberry, even your own, clouds the truth when it's right in front of you." [Ab starts turning and twitching a little bit.]

AB: "Man-an-n-n, what I wouldn't give to have her here right now. Her calmness kept me centered. Her beauty kept me focused. Now her murder has gotten me outraged. I was stripped of my safe passage throughout all of the different Venues. I was labelled as a renegade killer cop with no morals. Now I'm a free man with vengeance and a lot of unanswered questions that need answering" (AB suddenly wakes up from his daydream and catches himself from screaming.). "Ja-nell-le". (Pause). They will not get away with this. I promis-es-e-es!! No one will rest until your killer is brought to justice" (Crying as his power soars with rage.) "Even if I meet my fatemaker. I will not stop breathing until all truths and untold secrets are exposed!!!" (Whispers) "I promise Ja-nelle." (Tears fall while AB's looking up.). Time to get moving, 2 ½ hours left and the salft will be gone down. Thirty minutes from here to the tunnels. It should be dark enough by the time we get there, Hey Rolly." (Ab looks over to the passenger seat.) "Are you ready Rolly? These motherfuckers are liable to try any and everything to stop us. This is Snitchville. They knew that we were coming, what roads we were going to take, and exactly at what time we will be passing through certain venues. So be careful Rolly. Keep your eyes open. Look for anything unusual, or that happens to suddenly."

Narrator: Twenty-five minutes has passed since Appleberry noticed that they were coming up to the windy, wavy and curvy mountains of San Carlos.

AB: "It's strange Rolly? I don't remember this mountain being along this path before. The mountains are now on the western wind side of side of village. The winds are said to be the cries of the dead souls of men, women and children."

Rolly: Children?

AB: "Yes, Rolly. Children, San Carlos has a past that goes back to the start of our existence and there are lots of secrets that have to get exposed in order for us to find the truth Rolly. Oh yeah the mountains. Legend has it that if there were a secret that could never be told and could cause the fate of San Carlos to be in jeopardy. Then the mountains would move to stop whatever forces or objects that stood in the way of its concealment."

Narrator: [The signs read 1 ½ motates to the mountain entrance. Ab sits up comfortably and adjusted all mirrors to get the perfect viewing angles.]

AB: "Now that's covered. Are you ready for action Rolly? Hmmm, of course you are. I don't know Rolly." (Looking over at the Rolly). "You always seem to be the perfect weapon for any situation. No matter what we've encountered. I know that it's crazy but it seems like the more power and knowledge that I gain. The more power and precision you gain. Where did my grandfather get you from Rolly? Why did he give you to me and not my father? He was a cop long before I was and a damn good one too. Father was selected as detective of the year for an unheard of 10 consecutive years. It was all good. All great it was until that late December night." (AB reminiscing). News flash: "A highly decorated Cedar hill police detective as been reported as missing. His last known where about were in the clovers of San Carlos. If anybody has any information please contact the Cedar hill police department. All of your tips and clues will be searched. Three minutes later they closed the case. They said that there wasn't enough evidence or clues to start an investigation. All we've heard is that it was The Begore or even some of the Zeffers of San Carlos. Either way the answers would never be known. Deep secrets, lies all around every venues, every family and even in my own family there are secrets kept from one another."

Narrator: Finally they arrived at the mountains. Appleberry noticed a purplish glow in the atmosphere as if the skies were ready to open up.

AB: "Look Rolly. What's that over there? Is that a face or are my eyes deceiving me? Umm, you feel that also, something, it feels weird. It feels like something." (A loud noise shoots past the cruiser.) "Whoa, watch out Rolly! What was that?" (AB starts shaking his head and looking around while blinking his eyes rapidly.)

Rolly: Snap out of it Appleberry, What's coming over you? Why am I feeling weary? Why am I feel open and not under the security shields of my layered cruiser?

Narrator: {AB looks over at Rolly}

AB: You're right Rolly. It's the sudden change in the atmospheric pressure that had me feeling weary and discomfort. Wow! It's settled now. Let's ride Rolly.

Narrator: As they proceeded forward the roads going through the mountains grew narrower. Appleberry felt that the cruiser wouldn't stay level if it kepts up. He quickly set the cruisers' mountain terrain climbing mode.

[Appleberry talking to Rolly]

AB: "This will keep us balanced in case the roads fade out."

Narrator: Out of nowhere loud sound is heard. "Naaaae!" AB looks around then pulls the Rolly closer to himself. The sounds were coming from the forest just on the right side of Appleberry's cruiser.

AB: "That didn't sound too friendly Rolly. Whatever it is, it sounds humongous and seems to be just around this corner."

Sound: "Naaaae! Naaaae! Naaaae!"

AB: "There it goes again. It's coming from the forest Rolly. What kind of beast makes such a noise like that?"

Narrator: Boulders started racing down the mountain side towards the cruiser. Most just missing it due to the swift instinctive maneuvering mode of the cruiser activated during mountain terrain mode. AB stopped the cruiser as the boulders stop coming. He got out and started inspecting his surroundings but saw no one.

AB: "Where did those boulders come from Rolly? They seem to have been thrown at us." (AB looks around, puzzled).

Narrator: Suddenly an explosion came through the mountain directly in front of Appleberry's cruiser followed by a loud noise.


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