The voices (shrizophrenic)

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The voices,

So loud and clear,

They ring in my ears,

Every damn second...

I hear them, but my friend says they're not real!

They bring me so much fear!

So many fears!

They beckon!

They tell me things,

Comment on my every move,

They call me names,

Hurtful words,

They are REAL!

They always disapprove,

Filling me with shame!

They call me:












And if I do something like:

Pick up a piece of food they tell me- 

Look at you! You piece of shit! Don't eat that! No, don't, you don't need it! It will make you


And other stuff like that!

It's scary!

And they tell me things like this when I'm in the public-

Quick, hide! They know your secrets!

Look how they are looking at you! They hate you, they KNOW what you've done! They HATE you!

Look away! Look away!

They are watching you! Watching your every move!

Did you think I'd stop following you if you hung with your 'friends'? They are not your friends! They HATE you, they're only being nice, so they can STAB you in the back!

No, don't do that, no, no, hey, NO, oh well, I did tell you not to, idiot!

These are things are hear everyday!

It's scary!

I'm not lying!

I'm scared,



And all the names they

Tell me I am!

Hey! Yeah! This is a weird one! But I didn't know how else I could explain what my everyday life is like! It is scary, not fun, I haven't told anyone about, I have not been diagnosed with any mental illnesses as I haven't told anyone about my problems. This, what I hear, is very scary, and my 'friends' that I've tried to tell just laughed! And said I'm making it up! So I haven't told anyone else because I'm scared of their reaction! 

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