Chapter 4: The Chase

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There's nothing more satisfying that nicking things from the surface (particularly from the Stohess District that was laid right on top of the Underground City). When I met at our rendezvous, Arsenal came back to me, cheery.

"Nicked three apples," he told me.

"Tch," Edward snorted. "The proprietors have so much of so many things that they won't notice if three apples go missing."

"True that," I muttered. "C'mon guys. It's Arsenal's birthday. Let's go out with a bang." Arsenal's eyes lit up like the sun, and a watermelon-sized grin stretched across his pale face.

"Ooh! You guys use your 3DMG!" he exclaimed.

"Sssh!" Edward hushed frantically, looking around. "The Military Police might hear you!" I put my hands on my hips. It was true. During a Titan attack, we stole some of the 3D Maneuver Gear from dead soldiers, and seeing that they were still in perfect shape, why not take them for free?

"Well, Arsenal's turning twelve," I reasoned. "Don't tell me that it wouldn't be amusing to see the M.P's reaction when they see "children"" - I put air quote with my fingers - "flying through the air like Spider-Man."

Edward sent me a confused look. "Spider-Man? Who the hell is he?"

I wanted to smack myself. I did it, again. Edward quickly caught on and gave me a disgruntled look. So he was still upset for me not telling him about my dreams/visions yesterday, eh? I guess I should explain to him.

"Well, Edward, what do you think?" I smirked as I nudged him. Edward snapped his attention to me.

"A-are you sure?" he stammered. "We might get caught, and with your head on the sword..."

"Nah," I waved it away. "It'll be fine. Besides, I'll have my face covered." I winked at him and slipped him a white bandanna. He looked at me, and then sighed.

"Fine," he grumbled. Arsenal looked like he wanted to shout in joy. I smiled at him, and then ruffled his blonde hair.

"My little brother's growing up," I teased.

"Arena!" he whined as he swatted my hand away. "Not now!" I laughed a bit.

"So," I said. "Do you have a particular place in mind that you want us to zip by or..."

"I don't want you guys gaining too much attention," Arsenal said carefully. "But I want it to be...spectacular! How about by the church where the psychos worship the walls, yeah?"

"They're idiots," Edward scoffed. "The walls never held, and obviously the goddesses aren't here with us. What's there to worship?"

I laughed more. "Good point. Anyway, I'm going to go gear up. Edward, let's do this."


"Up there!" a woman shrieked from below us. Many of the civilians gasped as I zipped right above their heads. I snatched a woman's bowler hat and shoved it on my head, laughing through my white bandanna. It was my favorite color - a blood-red base with a black ribbon tied around it and ended with a small bow. Edward was shaking his head at me, and I just grinned in my bandanna.

"WHOO-HOO!" I whooped as I sling-shot myself into the air. I soared extremely high in the air, using a bit more gas than I intended. I looked down to see Arsenal blended in which the watchful crowd, his face full of excitement and envy. Edward was looking up at me, worry in his eyes. The sea of faces were trained on the flying girl that dove towards the ground and at the last second, released her wires and swung back up, soaring through the city. Some of the people clapped and cheered, while others look at me in a disapproving way.

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