19| GMGs

59 7 2

Timeskip to the GMGs~
Normal POV~
"For the 7th placer, let's give a big round of applause to our last year's champion.......Fairytail!" The MC said. "Fairytail! Fairytail! Fairytail" the whole arena chant, even though Fairytail is on the last place.

"Wah!!! Were on the last again I thought were the first!! I'm all fired up!" Natsu said. Everyone in the arena sweatdrop. "Eh-ehem! Anyway, let's cheer for Mermaid Heel!" The MC said, some of the people in the arena cheered.

"Next is the 5th place which is.... Sabertooth! Let's cheer for Sabertooth!" The MC said. "Eh-eh??! Sabertooth the 5th??!" Everyone said. 'Sabertooth huh?' Lucy thought, as she hold her dark blue cloak, hiding her face.

Lucy is wearing a blue cloak with a Fairytail insignia at the back just like Erza's last year, inside she's wearing a blue bikini, black shorts with laces that ends up in her thighs, white knee high boots, and her keys.

Her hair is longer it ends up in her waist and she put it in a whole side ponytail with a heart clip. They all wear a team's clothes, but this time it's blue.

Natsu's clothes didn't change a bit only the colors, because he said it's 'very lame', or so he says. Gray's clothes are black long sleeve, blue coat with a Fairytail insignia, and dark brown boots.

Erza's clothes are her white sleeveless tee-shirt with laces, again a sleeveless coat that has a Fairytail insignia, black skinny shorts, her black boots, and her hair is in a regular ponytail.

Mirajane is wearing a blue dress that has a cut design that reached her left thigh, it also has a white belt that is placed under her chest, she wears a white sandals with a criss-cross design that reached her legs, and her hair is in it's regular hairstyle.

Laxus wears his usual black long sleeve tee-shirt, he also has a new coat it's blue, of course it also has a fairytail insignia, and a black boots.

"The 4th place is, the guild full of (flirts lol) handsome and beautiful members.... Blue Pegasus!" The MC said. "Oh my gosh! Hibiki-kun!~" "Ren-sama!" "Jenny-sama!" or "Eve-kun!" are heard all over the arena.

"What about me???!" Ichiya asked in sadness, everyone in the arena laugh.

"Oh!~ Were now in the top 3 guilds! Let's see who they are!" Yajima-san said.

"The 3rd place we have the guild Lamia Scale!!" The MC said, as everyone in the arena cheered for them. "Chelia!" "Lyon!" Wendy cheered for Chelia, while Gray cheered for Lyon.

"The 2nd place we have...... Raven Tail!" The MC said.Some cheered, some doesn't. Raven Tail turn into a very good guild and they changed the guild master, because Ivan was sent to the Magic Council.

"And for the 1st who could it be???! COOL! COOL! COOL!" Jason shouted. "And for the 1st we have....... Quatro Puppy!" The MC announced.

"WILD FOUR!!!" "EHHHHHH??!!!" everyone's mouth left hanging. "Oyy! Don't be like that! Close your mouths or flies will go there." Quatro puppy said.

"Ehem! Ehem! Let's get started! Our first game is called "THE MAZE" it's just like the last year's game "hidden" but the maze is not a town, it is a forest. There maybe monsters in there, so you need to kill them, so that you can move forward.

If you ever pass by someone who is a participant you will have a battle, the last one standing wins, and the one who lose will be teleported after 8 minuets.

And of course we have a time limit of 2 hours. Now please pick a member who is going to participate." The MC explained, as a creepy forest show up. "In Fairytail we have Lucy Heartfilia! In Mermaid Heel we have Millianna! In Sabertooth we have Rufus Lore! In Blue Pegasus we have Ren Akatsuki! In Lamia Scale we have Toby Horhorta! In Raven Tail we have Nullpudding! In Quatro Puppy we have Warcry! LET THE GAME BEGIN!"

Pat here. Sorry it's not a long chapter and for doing a very crappy book. I also dedicate this chapter to LucyAshleyHeartfilia  she's my idol for she makes some good books! Were not really close, but someday I hope I can be like her. Follow her! :)

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