First day

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-Sam POV-

First day of school and I'm terrified. I am very nervous I may not fit in.

I'm actually not a shy person so it's easy for me to make friends. But these people may not like me. I honestly can't think of a reason they would have to dislike me but this is high school and anything can happen.

I'm dressed and ready to go. I'm shaky, my nerves have always been able to get the best of me.

I check the clock and I begin to panic when I realize I only have twenty more minutes until school starts.

I grab my bag and head out of my room.

-Jake's POV-

I was typing on my phone when something no, someone ran in to me it was my new step-sister. I grabbed her before she hit the ground.

"Why are you running in the house?" I asked her.

She just smiled at me and walked away. Well tried, I put my arm around her torso to hold her still.

"Again I ask, why are you running in the house?" She just shrugged.

"I'm gonna be late for school Jake." She giggled.

Why is that funny?

"Right. Let's get going then." I let her go and she looks at me with her brows furrowed.

"Let's?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I have to take you. Now come on."

- Sam's POV-

I smiled and turned to walk away but Jakes arm around me stopped me from going anywhere.

"Again I ask, why are you running in the house?" His breath was fanning over the skin on my neck.

It caused me to shudder and move my shoulders in a shrugging manner.

"I'm gonna be late for school Jake." I could hold back my laugh.

It came out more like a giggle but I couldn't contain myself. I was actually wrapped in Jakes arm.

Isn't this a dream come true? I let my mind wonder to the many times I've thought about meeting him and having his arm around me, not one of those amazing day dreams having anything to do with this.

I guess you could say that I'm living beyond my dreams.

I'm living in a house with Jake Miller. How on earth will I ever manage to wrap my head around that?

This amazingly talented guy that I've always been in love with is my new step brother.

I'm not to fond of that term. Step brother? It doesn't sit well with me, especially because I have this massive crush on him. It just makes things awkward.

"Right. Let's get going then." He removed his arm around me.

Immediately I wanted it back there. I wanted to be back in his arms. It felt like good place to be. A place I wouldn't mind being in forever.

Then I processed what he said. Let's? He's by far to old to be in high school so what exactly does he mean by let's?

"Let's?" I asked completely confused.

"Yeah, I have to take you. Now come on." I took a deep breath before following him down the hall and out of his house.

He walks towards this beautiful white Audi TT. I am literally stuck, mesmerized by this car. I think I just fell in love with the car.

We climb and I'm sure to be careful with my bag, no way in he*l am I going to damage it.

The dash lights up as he turns the engine and the sleek black interior smells amazing.

Things are far to quite and awkward as we turn street and stop at lights.

As I looked out the window I'm mesmerized yet again by everything around me.

It's a beautiful city, really. And the weather is amazing. It's the middle of January and not a single inch if snow which I'm very grateful for. I can get use to it here.

"I'm nervous." I say fidgeting with my fingers.

"You'll be fine." He gave a quick smile and turned his attention back to the road.

I want to believe him. I want to believe I'll be fine but I'm moving to a whole new school in the middle of a semester. I can't bring myself to believe I'll be fine.

"How can you be so sure?" I said quietly. I'm not even sure if it was audible.

"I just know Sam." He gave my knee a squeeze with his hand.

He was so nonchalant about it, like it was a normal thing. But now my hearts beating ten times faster then normal.

Then we pulled up to the school and I was actually relieved. I couldn't sit with him any longer it was making me- hmm, how can I explain it? Inquisitive. That's just part of it.

The feeling was foreign that I'm intrigued to know what it was.

I walked to the admissions off and asked for a copy of my schedule.

"This is Emma, she has most of her classes with you. She'll show you around."

"I'm Sam." Emma smiled as she shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you. But we better get going, if your late, you get Saturday school." She rolled her eyes and began walking.

Well she's quite the character.


It's finally lunch. I've been starved, seeing as I skipped breakfast.

Emma offered me a seat with her and her friends which I gladly excepted. I don't want to eat lunch alone, that'd be- well lonely.

I followed her to a table where to other girls sat.

"Guys this is Sam. Sam this is Ivy and Lucy." I smiled warmly at them as I sat down.

"How's your first day then?" Ivy said after chewing her carrot.

I thought back to second period when I sat in the wrong seat and I ended up embarrassed. But all in all it's going good so far.

"Pretty good." I smiled.

This is good. This is just what I needed, friends. I totally didn't want to have to wander around looking lost and confused.

After about twenty minutes of pointless rambling between the four of us the bell rang and it was time for our next class.


"I'll see you all tomorrow. Do not forget your slips for college tours next weak."

Finally my last class and it's a class I actually enjoy. It's sort of a college prep class. Quite literally, we talk about college. We talk about what we're wanting to major and what colleges we're interesting in attending.

This class will be helpful because I'm totally clueless on the whole college thing and I defiantly want to go.

As I make my way out of the school I see my dad's car parked in the line of numerous other parents.

"How was your day?" Dad asked as soon as I climbed into the car.

"It was great. I've made a few friends and I have this college prep class and it's very helpful."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it here." He said as we pulled off.

"Me too." I mumbled.

Running (A Jake Miller story) ON-HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now