Chapter 14

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April 3rd 2014
The smell of caffeine spread the room while
Abigail was brewing the tea.
Taylor had spent the night with Abigail.
The pop singers unconscious body was still asleep,
"mmm" Taylor sighed taking in the smell of tea and awaking, her body started to have some what feeling.
"Shit." Taylor said finally realizing what was happening.
Abigail quickly runs in realizing her bestie
was awake.
"Good morning." Abigail says with a smile.
"Not good morning." Taylor says looking at the clock near the bed Taylor and Abigail slept in.
9:30 am
"I really need to go find Karlie" Taylor tells Abigail anxiously putting her fingers in her hair starting to have a panic attack.
"Listen..." Abigail says now sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Get off of the comforter Abigail" Taylor says strictly Silence for a while, then.
"Karlie doesn't want you in her life anymore, it can just be us" Abigail says messing with the pop singers hair.
"Last night was nothing. I have a feeling about this shit, it can't be right, something's wrong with all of this, it's off" Taylor says trying to get off the bed, then being pushed back on by her 'friend' Abigail.
"I need to leave now" Taylor aggressively says jumping off the bed trying to avoid her long time friend.
She runs out of the bedroom seeing her small kitten, Olivia.
She quickly picks up her few things, and gets the hell out of Abigail's apartment.


Taylor ran through the New York streets, trying to seek her girlfriend, or ex.
Suddenly, everything went black.

Taylor awoke sitting on a chair in a dark empty room someone put there hands right behind Taylor shoulders, Taylor shook her legs trying to get out of the chair, she was duck-tapped in.
The blonde screeched for her life, starting to cry and pinch her boney arms.
"It's just me" Karlie says walking in front of Taylor.
The room was dark, but enough light to see Karlie.
"Karlie! Oh my fucking god." Taylor yells hitting Karlie as a common reflex.
"We need to leave now." Karlie mutters grabbing her girlfriends hand running out of the dark room.
The girls ran through Manhattan, starting up a conversation
"I don't suspect that everything will be fine again, but you can ask me anything." Karlie told Taylor still running to Taylors apartment.
"Did you write the note? What was with leaving? What the fuck is wrong with you" Taylor yells throwing the closest object closest to her.
"I didn't write the note Taylor. I swear" Karlie mutters.
"Then who did?" Taylor asked glaring at her girlfriend once more.
Karlie didn't know what to say, she just stared.
"Probably Josh" Karlie tells Taylor not looking her in the eye.
"Can you at least fucking look at me in the eye?" Taylor mutters rolling her eyes.
"Josh took me in. I don't know what's wrong with him, he was drunk, I'm sorry Taylor.
I have a law suit on him, I have to see a judge this Monday."  Karlie says getting her phone out of her purse.
"Seriously a phone? And you can't let the press get into this." Taylor says in a snarky voice.
"How can I not get the press involved? What the fuck Taylor that's way to hard. This secret love is to hard" Karlie sighs.
"They can't know about us." Taylor mutters.
"Why? Are you embarrassed of me or something?" Karlie rolls her eyes.
"Of course not. But you don't know how they would react, it's way to risky and plain shit."
Taylor says rolling her eyes at her girlfriend.
"It's Valentines Day" Karlie says trying to show the bright side of things.
" is." Taylor says smirking
"We need to do something, get are mind off of things, you know?" Karlie explains.
"Let's go to the beach" Taylors says smiling getting excited
"Squad?" Karlie asks groaning at the door to the Manhattan apartment.
"No I seen them yesterday" Taylor says getting the keys out of her purse.
"Without me...oh never mind, I forgot" Karlie says seeing Taylor opening the door, grabbing her hips and swaying her.
"Preview of Valentine's Day?" Taylor asks laughing from Karlie behind her.
"Hehe yeah." Karlie smirks getting inside the door to put her things down, sitting on the couch now.
"We need to make this believable that we're not together, i know you don't want to do this but you need Josh, I'll call Calvin."
Taylor says sighing.
"God, those shit heads" Karlie groans.

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