Pixel pact❤️ Pixel Pact❤️

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Lizzie:Hi I'm Ldshadowlady
Yammy:hi I'm Yammy but my name is Yasmin
Annie:hi I'm vengelfe
Nora:hi I'm Ellanora
Lauren:hi I'm Laurenzide
Angie:hi I'm kaleidow
All:and we are the pixel pact
Lizzie: i love pink ,cats,and minecraft
Yammy:I love  dogs,my bf and son,and blue
Annie:I love acting, minecraft,and England
Nora: i luv shewp,pink and white,and cute things
Lauren: I love purple , death,and dexter
Angie:I love rainbows
All: we are all besties

Ldshadowlady and Yammy_xox❤️Where stories live. Discover now