The Descendant

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"Kendall," a voice echoed

Kendall's vision blurred as she opened her eyes. Shelby lifted her up to sit, and lifted her up onto her feet and guided her to a chair. 

"What happened?" Shelby asked

"Vivix showed up and took my father," Kendall said, "He had the purple energem and I tried to protect him, but they overpowered me and they got to him..." 

"Does this mean?!" Shelby asked, "They have the purple energem now?!"

Kendall looked down in shame, "I believe so... I tried to hold them off until you guys would come back. But, they overpowered me and got a hold of my father."

Up at Sledge's ship, Kendall's father was strapped down to a table, he tried to resist them. But, he was too weak to even throw a punch. 

"See master Sledge?" Fury asked, "You were correct to believe me that I can obtain one of the energems! None other than Albert Morgan to wield the purple energem." 

"You won't ever get the purple energem!" he said, "Not as long as my daughter walks the earth!" 

"Kendall?" Fury asked, "She's nothing more than a techy nerd, what could she so posses to protect the earth?" 

Albert tossed around on the table, trying to yank off the latches that held him down. He kept on pulling at the bands to set himself free, Fury however walked up to him madly, and held him down. Albert still resisted him.

"Don't even try and think about escaping," Fury said, "We'll just pull you right back here, where we'll take the energem from you and drain it's power to help Master Sledge destroy the planet."

"My father was right in front of me..." Kendall said 

"Ms. Morgan," Shelby said, "Don't beat yourself up, we will get your father back and get the purple energem back."

Suddenly, someone came through the base entrance, which happened to be Claire, Tyler, Koda, Riley, and Ivan. Claire however, looked weak, and dropped to the ground, Chase helping her up onto her feet. 

"What's the matter Claire?" Shelby asked

"I didn't realize this sooner but," she said, "They have my energem... When I was demorphed, somehow my energem fell out of my pocket. I assume they took it since I feel weak only everywhere..."

Chase picked her up and took her to the lab to place her on a table, as it glowed as pressure was placed on top of it. 

"If her energem power worsens," Keeper said, "She will as well, it's best to locate where exactly Sledge's ship is ad find a way to get there."

Kendall looked at Claire with great concern, "This is all my fault, My father was right in front of me. I was powerless to take them on myself..." Kendall thought. 

"I know," Kendall suggested, everyone looking at her, "Claire was able to locate the purple energem that led to my father, maybe I can locate it again."

Kendall ran over to Claire's computer and started typing fast to locate the energem. As soon as it located it, the destination point was right in base. 

"Ms. Morgan!" Shelby said, pointing at her pocket.

She looked down and saw something glowing purple. She reached into the pocket and pulled out the purple energem.

"Dad," Kendall giggled, "You sly dog..."

As she giggled, she felt a quick pain to her brain, Everyone saw a purple glow on Kendall as she stood there looking at the energem. 

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