Investigating You

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‘Jones looked around the room ominously, as if searching for prying eyes, before setting the case file on my desk and looking at me expectedly.

“The Ryder file.” I commented, staring back at him in confusion. It was familiar to the eyes of most of the FBI- Julian Ryder was a well-known drug dealer; regarded as the ‘Boss of New York’. He had never been caught in the act; he had many patsies and was exceptionally good at avoiding police detection. Jones motioned towards the case file impatiently, beckoning to me to read onwards. My eyes dropped towards the picture of a brunette girl, obviously taken by local security cameras. A well-disciplined eyebrow rose in perplexity, and in response my boss took a seat on my oak desk.

“That is Autumn Ryder.” He stated professionally. “She is the daughter of Julian Ryder- and I am sending you undercover to her school to get much valued information on her father.  She is going to be the key to catching that son of a bitch Ryder once and for all.” ‘

Alejandro Gonzales was an unusually young, handsome FBI agent, and was usually sent undercover to get primary information on criminals- evidence necessary to lock them up. This time, his boss had sent him to go to a high school not as a student, but a teacher- and not to investigate a criminal but to get close to the said criminal’s family. Agent Gonzales usually had no struggle in emotionally detaching himself, but everything was unique about the Ryder case. In the face of the law as well as the human soul.

Autumn Ryder was a somewhat timid, peftit eighteen year old with eyes and intelligence beyond her years. Her father, Julian Ryder, was a good-for-nothing, money-sucking, top-end criminal- and although she was aware her father was shady, not to the extent of murder. With her mother suffering from severe Stockholm syndrome, she had no way of running from his never ending stream of psychological abuse. Struggling with coping with the woes of senior year and her family life, she thought nothing of the exceedingly good looking teacher that took over her English class, unaware of the permanent effect he would have on her life.

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