Chapter 4- Day dreaming

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Mako's POV

"So, are you ready?" Korra asked.

"Yeah let's go practice" mako smiled

"I'm so happy i made the try-outs" Korra grinned

"So now that we're a team, let me help you. So when I lead, you follow, then our teammates will catch it and score." Mako chuckled

"Sure, it'll be like follow the leader." Korra laughed

Wow her laugh was so cute.

"Mako? Mako" Korra said holding my shoulders and shaking me

"Yes, um-yes" I blushed

"You zoned out" Korra laughed even more.

Next morning~

Korra's POV

Today I woke up early even though you know, I hate the mornings, cuz I was getting ready for my leadership speech.  I'm kinda nervous since I'm new and everything, I usually not nervous and I don't show my other side. I woke up at like at 6:03 and I know it's not that early but, that's really early for me.  Everyone was still sleeping, so I got up and it was so serene.  I put on some black jeans and a blue tee with some combat boots I threw on a denim jacket and I left my short hair down. I went down stairs and I made a cup of warm milk and I went back up to my room. I packed my dance clothes, because my first next dance session starts today after school. I never really noticed how the ocean was so beautiful in the morning.  I opened my balcony door and I took a few minutes meditating looking out into the ocean. Then I heard a "bam" and I was startled and I fell off my lounge chair with the hot milk spilling all over my pants.


"Oops, I'm sorry for startling you and making you spill your milk" a familiar voice shouted at me.

I got back up to my chair and I found Mako on his balcony waving at me. I never noticed how close our balconies were.

"Hey Mako, so you returned to your inner jerk self huh?" I said sarcastically and laughed.

"Sorry, I accidentally slam my door too loud." He blushed

"It's fine, it's called sarcasm and I have to go change now." I chuckled

"We'll see you at school" I said waving at him

I went back inside and I changed my pants to some blue skinny stretchy jeans and I decided to go for a walk since it was only 6:28 and school started at 8:30.

Mako's POV

Mako why did you drive her away. I was actually kinda lying because I was actually watching her in her peaceful state but then the wind slammed the door hard, making my cover blown.  I feel so sorry for her, she fell and her hot milk spilled all over her. Maybe I should buy her another drink.

I was still sitting there looking at the ocean when I noticed Korra coming out to the beach with her dog. She went for a walk and her laughs are so genuine and she was so pretty. Wait am I falling for it couldn't, she's just a friend...I think, besides I don't think she feels the same since my first impression was like awful.

I went back in to my room and I got my stuff and I came back out to the balcony. I watched Korra walk her dog. Then she noticed me starring at her

"Hey stalker, wanna come walk with me!" She hollered and I blushed

"Sure" I smiled and ran down stairs and opened my patio door and I ran out greeting her.

"Hey, don't think just because I'm down here, doesn't mean I can see you starting at me like a mad man." Korra chucked and rolled her eyes.

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