Ethan's Meteorite

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Ethan Ferra woke up at the same time as he does everyday for the school week, 7 AM. He groans at the sound of his alarm clock and throws his blankets off of him. Ethan gets out of bed and looks out of his window of his hometown of Portland. He sighs at the sight of buildings from his apartment window.

"Ethan! Come on you have school today!" his mother shouted from the kitchen. Ethan sighs again and gets out of bed. He walks down the spiral staircase down to the kitchen where he sat down and had pancakes. The small TV, which sat in its own shelf in the top corner of the kitchen, showed the news.

"As of yesterday, the police confirmed the missing reports of several people all that went missing at the same time, but different places all across North America. The people range as young as 10 to as old as 43. Police say that this is the strangest case they have worked on yet. Police say they have no idea who would do something like this and they are trying to come together or bring in the FBI in to help. This is Nancy live from Chicago," Ethan didn't eat his cereal until he heard his mother's steps coming down from the stairs.

"That must be some good cereal if it is taking you this long to eat it," his mother said as she goes to get her coffee. Ethan looks down and notices that he barely ate it. He continues to eat it and wonders about the missing people. He eventually finished his cereal and goes upstairs to change. He comes back down in one of his million graphic t-shirts, today was Star Wars shirt with R2D2 on it, and his jeans with his old grey Vans. His hair was still a mess, but he didn't care at this point. Ethan went to go and brush his teeth in the tiny bathroom he had to share with his sister. The counters were filled with her makeup and hair supplies. He groans and looks for his toothbrush.

Ethan looks up at the mirror to go and brush his teeth until he sees a man behind him. Ethan drops the toothbrush in the sink and gasps a little. The man was in a suit and the suit was all black. Black jacket, black shirt, black buttons, black bow tie, black pants. His eyes were small and black, just like the attire, skin was grey like a cloud on a rainy day, he seemed like a normal person. The person tilt his head slightly to analyze Ethan. Ethan went to turn around to see if he was behind him, but it was gone. Ethan soon went back to brushing his teeth.

Ethan usually walks to school since it is only a few blocks away. He then meets up with his friend, Rachel who only lived a few houses down from him. Rachel was a quirky person, which Ethan loved. She always wore a different type of outfit everyday. One day it will be a pink polka dot shirt with black stripe pants, other days it will be yellow shirt, socks, pants, and shoes. Today it is an all green attire. The only thing that wasn't green was her black book bag that was covered with patches from Hot Topic. Rachel waves over at Ethan, and he did the same.

Rachel walks over to him, "Hellooo, Ethan," she smiles. She clutches to her AP Music Theory book. Rachel was also a musical goddess, which is what he calls her after she plays a piano piece for her recitals. Rachel went on a musical path while Ethan went on the STEM path.

"Hellooo, Rachel," Ethan said mimicking her.

"How art thou?" she asks him in a British accent.

Ethan chuckles, "Thy is fair, and you?"

"Thy is bored because it is Monday!" Rachel shouts to the sky. She laughs at the sky then continues to walk with Ethan. They arrive at the school doors, they both sigh in unison and walk in the doors. Rachel usually goes to her AP Music Theory class while Ethan goes to his Engineering class. Ethan sits down in his class and takes out his notebook. He turns to the page where he left off at with his notes. When he opened it he found that a note written in big, capital letters saying


When Ethan raised his hand for the teacher to come over because he didn't remember writing this at all. By the time he came over, the message wasn't there anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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