The Shadows of Maelon (Short Story)

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Never in my life had I understood the fear of the dark. Not until the Shadows.

The emotional scars have far outlasted the physical wounds. Sometimes, I can still feel the searing pain of a wispy claw across my chest, or the presence of a demonic being pinning me down, it's glowing white sockets not even appearing to register my existence as they gaze at me. I can hear shrieks that can pierce your soul more effectively than any blade could harm your flesh. In response came the cries of my own brothers in arms.

It was the first conflict between the U.M.C.F. (United Maelon Coalition Force) and the Shadows. We weren't prepared. We never could've been. To this day the only evidence I have that there even was an enemy are the three parallel scars on my torso and the mounds of dirt signifying those who were lost, seeing as most weren't recovered.

I remember the feeling of euphoria before the battle. We were young, cocky, and foolish. It was hard not to feel invincible in the safe confines of our transport. Times had been good. Humans, newly introduced to the planet of Maelon, were finally starting to really thrive along with the other two indigenous races that inhabited our home. I was raised here. So the monkey-like Leonti and the tiger-resembling Huntere were a part of my daily life. I couldn't imagine what life must be like on the mother planet, Earth. These aliens were my childhood friends, and now I was venturing into unknown territory with some of them by my side. My good friend turned to me as he finished cracking a joke to the delight of the four other passengers in our vehicle. It initiated a round of laughter from the other human, Brian, and the two Leonti, whom I didn't know the names of. I'm not sure if the Huntere understood it, because nothing changed in his expression. But then again, they were strange beings.

"Jack. You okay?" I snap out of my grim memories to acknowledge my wife, Lydia. She can't understand my pain, but she tries to be there for me. I love her, and I don't want her to know I'm hurting. “Fine hon. Thanks." I pathetically attempt to crack a smile, failing miserably. She notices.

"Why don't you come on inside." She takes my hand and leads me in through the door, and it takes me back again. I stood at a similar opening, the back of our transport. No one was laughing now. We had been stopped, not 5 miles into the dark forests. They were named such because of their almost constant state of pitch black dark. This was an odd phenomenon that occurred because of Maelon's odd axial tilt. Since the sun rarely showed out here, it was also, as you may have guessed, very cold.

"David. Wait for the 'All Clear'" I called back timidly, my feelings of pride and lightheartedness quickly fading at the sight of the bare forest. Trees and snow, as far as anyone could see in a 360 degree circle, excepting the four other transports. We had all been blocked by a sudden collapse of two trees, which had fallen in our way rather inconveniently. It was a trap, we weren't stupid. And apparently neither was our enemy.

A dark form flittered for an instant out at the edge of my peripheral vision. I snapped my weapon up to aim, feeling very ready to decimate the figure if it appeared again. For minutes I waited painstakingly, slowly regaining my nerves. After all, there had to be some kind of wildlife out here, right? It was probably some equivalent of a squirrel. But I was wrong.

Out came Howard. I'm telling you it was Howard. Not a single person would believe me afterwards but Corporal Richard. J. Howard, an old buddy of mine started walking towards us from the tree. Now, I hadn't seen him go out there originally, but I was so relieved that it was only him that I let out a relieved expletive under my breath and beckoned him over.

Did he see me? I couldn't say. I still... I still don't know. But he... next thing I knew he was running towards me.

"Jack! You'll freeze to death and take me with you if you allow all the heat to escape outside!" Lydia glares at me and chides me as if I were a forgetful child. I can't blame her, my flashbacks often leave me wondering where I am or what I am supposed to be doing. I close the door and look at her apologetically, and she rolls her eyes. But then she smiles sympathetically.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2013 ⏰

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