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  • Dedicated to Senora Paz, con carino

 My former Spanish/Humanities teacher. Muchas gracias. Tienes un parte de mi corazon.

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“Sorry to say it, Mags, but pink is totally overrated.” I stuck my tongue out for emphasis.

“Fine,” she pouted, “I’ll be right back. I’m going to try this blue one.” She held up a fabulous, flowing, baby blue dress with a heart shaped neckline.

“Okay.” I looked around. Why was I even here? I couldn’t believe I actually agreed to come.

“Hey, Jess?” Sami, another of my girl friends walked out of the dressing room in a yellow dress.

“Sami, you look gorgeous!!” She blushed a little.

“Oh, thanks. So you like it, thien?” She twirled around and curtsied.

“Totally. You look fab!” I was SO jealous. Yellow was not something I could pull off well.

Her dress was a short one – A-line with angled ruffles all the way down, and spaghetti straps on top. Totally sexy on her.

“Great! And it’s even on sale!” She squealed.

“Awesome.” I grinned at her and she turned back into the fitting room. I glanced around athe dresses. I knew exactly which one I’d pick if I were going. There was a dark crimson dress hanging in the corner. I knew it’d go great with my sexy Latina complexion. Just kidding. But, as mamá would say, “Rojo es difinitivamente tu color! Red is definitely your color!” The sleeves were capped, the neckline was square, and the dress itself came to the floor. It was built to fit snuggly to the waist, and then gently puffed out. It was just right. Not too puffy. The bottom was studded with little red jewels, and the top left shoulder held a gorgeous red flower, centered with ruby colored gems. A thick ribbon ran from the left hip, wrapped around the torso and connected to the flower. It was perfect. I imagined myself in it, twirling. Then dancing. With Dre… I laughed a little.

“What’s so funny?” Mags dragged me back into reality.

“Oh, nothing. Hey! That’s perfect on you!!” The dress really emphasized her curves. She glanced down at the price tag.

“Yeah, well, perfect or not, it’s more than I’ve got with me.”

“I’ll pick up the rest.”

“No, that’s okay, Jess…”

“Really, Mags, let me. It's so… you. Really . You have to have it.”

“What about your dress?”

“I’m not going, remember?”

“Oh…” She looked down, embarrassed.

“Don’t worry. Change and we’ll check out, ok?” I playfully hit her arm, and she laughed.

“Okay, I’ll hurry.” She practically skipped to the dressing rooms.

Just then, Kenzi Brockbank walked in.

“Jess,” she looked a little disgusted, “funny seeing you here.”

“Hey, Kenzi.” Grr. I hate her. Mortal enemy #1 since third grade.

“Who asked you?” Her voice was slithery, almost uppity. She did a pretty good job of hiding facial expressions. But her voice job was horrible.

“Oh, no one. I’m just here to offer painfully honest opinions. Want me to help you out?” I was dying to diss her.

“Haha, figures. You were always good at that.” Good at what? Not getting asked? Offering sharp opinions? I glared over at her perfect face.

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