Kissable - Ch 4

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"Girls, don't make any plans for this evening, were going to Darlene's around 6. They're having a little BBQ for something and invited us." My mom tells us while starting to make us breakfast. I smell the buttermilk pancakes and hear the crackling of the bacon.

Kim and I drag ourselves out into the living room still half asleep and plop onto the couches.

I turn on the tv, rub my eyes and look at Kim. "What'd she say?"

"We're going to Darlenes." She mumbles wrapping herself into a blanket.

"Great. Just when I thought we could lounge around the entire day, I don't feel like doing anything."

"Or you mean your not feeling your ready to see Joe. Just don't worry about it and find something on tv, it's not for another 9 hours."

I just look at her and nod. She's right though, I'm not ready. But it's to early to worry about anything, and again, she's right, it's not for another 9 hours.

I put my hair into two braids, throw on a brown louse shirt and pull on a pair of white shorts covering my bright pink bikini. Kim has jean shorts on and a black tank over top of her black and yellow bathing suit. After putting her hair in a pony tail, we walk out of the house and into my moms Durango. My mom shortly after us, comes out of the house, locks the front door and starts the engine.

As we start heading to Darlene's, I wonder what will happen when I see Joe and not only that, what will happen when Kim sees Joe?

See Kim is known for stealing boyfriends and most of the time it's not her fault. She's a flirt but most of the time the guys go to her, she doesn't go to them. They are attracted to her because of gorgeous phasic and as soon as they get to know her, she's got them wrapped around her finger. It's kind of funny, they turn into her own personal bitch. After a week or two, she gets sick of them and moves on. Heartless bitch but that's why I love her.

Well, I know she's my best friend and she wouldn't steal him from me, but what if he's attracted to her? She never turns a guy away and if she didn't turn him away, I'd be angry with her even though it wouldn't be her fault.

Pulling up to the house, I hear the music blasting and smell the grill burning. Kim and I follow my mom into the house and head for the backyard. My body heats up with anxiety because I know in about three seconds I'm going to see Joe. My hands get sweaty and my grip gets tighter holding onto my beach towel and bag.

Staring down at the ground, my foot steps out on to the back deck. Slowly looking up, no sign of Joe. A relaxed feeling swarms throughout my body. It's just Darlene, George, Kayla, Luke, and a few other adults who I've never seen before.

Looking at Kim, a huge smile creeps across my face and like she read my mind she whispers "He's not here, is he." Nodding my head in reply.

Darlene introduces us to the guy and lady sitting around the table and my mom introduces Kim to everyone. Within an hour or two of getting there, Kim, Kayla, Luke and I are in the pool playing Marco Polo. I'm it and as I come up out of the water to say 'Marco' I hear the adults talking about Joe.

"So where is Joe? Thought this whole thing was for him and he's not even here!" The lady says with an attitude.

"Well, he went out to hang with a friend and hell be here shortly, I told him he had to be back by 7:30." D explains.

"POLO!" All three of them yell at the same time. Oops, I forgot to say 'Marco' once and they get their panties in a wad.


Everyone turns their head towards the sound and realize someone just pushed in the back gate a little to fast.

That someone being Joe and his friend. I swim to the far end of the pool, trying to disguise myself in the darker area of the pool. Kayla runs out of the pool to greet Joe. Kim swims towards me, "Which one is he?"

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