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The world isn't made of sugarcane and lollipops
Nothing to do with peppermint and pop-rocks
No ice creams and soft serves
Only black licorice and heartburns

The sugar high feels so good
Until the crash comes down
and your down on the ground

Wondering why life can't be Candyland
Why its nothing like the board game
Not at all simple
Not at all rewarding

Its not even like a pack of sourpatch
Not sour then sweet
More like only sour
And no fun

Life isn't a bar of chocolate
Unless the chocolate has no sugar
The world is no Mars Bar
With incredulous taste

The world is not lollipops and pop-rocks
No ice creams and happy thoughts
Not teens carefreely eating jelly beans
Outside while the sun's setting

And these are the things you think
While your down on the ground wondering why
Life isn't Candyland

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