Chappie 22

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Yo. I'm back from Chile and I'm jet lagged :ppp BUT I'm gonna update for u guys cuz we haven't updated. DON'T BLAME BIANCA BLAME WATTPAD. yeah, the chappie got deleted.

Idk how long I can keep my eyes open but Imma give this a shot.

The ship name has been decided... And with the most votes (comments) with this name, the winner is... HEXI !!!!

yaya thats finally sorted :))

so here is Chappie 22:


-Lexi's POV-

(After the interview, Christmas Day)

"And why are u making us wear these blindfolds again?!" Eleanor asked as the boys wrapped peices of material over all of us girl's eyes.

"So the suprise is more of a suprise!" Louis smiled cherrily.

"Aww I hate suprises!" Maslinka whined.

"Well this one will hopefully be worth it" I heard Niall chuckle in his irish accent. "Now lets get going!"

"Watch your step Lex" Harry said as we got out of the car, blindfolds still on. A gust of cold air hit me and I shivered, Harry pulling me into his side.

After walking for what seemed like hours, we finally stopped.

"Okay you can take them off in 3..2..1.." The boys chanted.

We all pulled the material off our eyes and gasped. There standing in front of us was a small-ish ice skating rink decorated with blue lights.

"It's beautiful!!" Danielle said smiling widely.

"definetly worth it!" Maslinka said giving Niall a cheeky wink.

"We rented it out so it's ours for the night" Zayn said, looking a bit sad.

"Only problem is, is that some of us don't know how to skate.." Liam grinned.

"Yaya!! aw cheer up Zayn, you're gonna see her tomorrow!" I said instantly knowing why.

We all walked over to the bench and asked for skates our size.

"Perfecto! Vamos!" Eleanor smiled walking over to the rink in her skates. (speaking in spanish)

"Wait up!" Louis said half stumbling over to the gate.

Soon, we were all skating around on the rink like naturals.. JOKES. Maslinka, Louis and I were clinging to the sides for dear life, Danielle being the only good skater so far.

I saw that Harry, Eleanor and Zayn had gotten a bit better too and were sometimes skating around the rink.

"Here let me help ylou! It's easy!" Harry chuckled skating over to me.

"Yeah, easy for you to say." I muttered.

"Hey, I'm a pretty good teacher so by the end of the night I bet you will be able to stand by yourself and skate." Harry said winking, prying me from the side as I let out a little yelp. "Trust me." He whispered.

And so I did.

By the end of the night I could skate a full circle around the rink without touching the sides. Harry should get the best-and-hottest-skating-teacher award :D

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