Chapter Fourteen: Get Lost

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Rose paced back and forth in her cell. The room echoed with her footsteps as she walked around her cage, hands behind her back. Her eyes followed the path made on the ground by her feet.

Jonathan was late, which was extremely unusual. The man hated to be late. Rose began to worry that the plan had gone wrong.

They had spent the last week together planning her escape and stealing kisses through the bars while the Joker was gone. One time, Joker almost caught them, but luckily he didn't walk quietly.

The plan was so dangerous, but it was the only thing they could come up with. And Rose was sick and tired of waiting for Batman to come and get her.

"You would think, being Batman, he would have rescued me by now!" She would yell angrily when no one else was there. She was angry at her father now, and she was done waiting for him.

The sound of footsteps began to be heard coming from the darkened hallway. Rose held her breath in anticipation. Slowly, the footsteps approached, until they were just beyond the door. To Rose's relief, Jonathan emerged from the shadows.

"Did you get it?" Rose asked in excitement.

Jonathan held up the keys and shook them. This elicited a wide grin from Rose.

*Flashback to Joker's Office about ten minutes before*

Jonathan stood outside of the aging door. He waited until the asylum guard had passed by before he knocked.

"Come on in," said the Joker.

Jonathan opened the door and walked to Joker's desk. The office was cluttered and chaotic, somewhat replicating its owner's mind. Things were strewn all around as if he had loosed a wild horse.

"What do you want, Crane?" The joker asked, leaning back in his chair and setting his feet on the desk.

"I'd like the keys to Rose's cell." He answered.

The Joker looked slightly taken back by this sudden, and large, request

"And, why, would I give you those?" He questioned, licking his lips.

"I wish to test my newest serum on her. A small dose of course."

The Joker's lips curled up into a smile.

"Alright, Crane," he said, sitting back up again," but I better hear her screaming from up here."

'Didn't expect that. Did you, Johnny?' Scarecrow chuckled, 'That's what you get for trying to break out your girlfriend.'

Jonathan ignored Scarecrow and addressed Joker.

"I'll try my best," he said, faking a sinister smile.

Joker handed him the keys and waved him out.

*Back to the present*

"Now what?" Rose asked, eager to be released.

Jonathan rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well..," he took a pause," I told him I wanted to try a new serum on you."

"Yeah, I know. That was all part of the plan." Rose looked confused.

"Yeah, until he said he wanted to hear you screaming from up there," he said pointing to the ceiling, "We have about half an hour before he gets suspicious."

Rose sat on her cot. They would have to get out now.

"Alright, Jonathan. We need to go, now." Rose stood and approached the door.

Jonathan walked over and stuck in the key. It turned with a loud creak. The door swung open and Rose practically jumped into Jonathan's arms.

She stood and held onto him. This was their first embrace without the bars in between them.

"I never thought I would get to do this," she said, with her head on his shoulder. They savored the moment, allowing themselves to breathe before they left.

The feeling in the air was shattered. The Joker came through the door. His mouth elongated into a toothy smile.

"Well, well, look what we have here." He said as he walked in.

Rose and Jonathan separated but held each other's hands.

"I'm going to count to three." Joker said, as he pulled a gun out of his pocket," Then I'm going to shoot one of you. Unless, of course, you get back in your cage."

Rose stood firm as he pointed the gun toward her. She released Jonathan's hand and took a step forward.

"Go ahead," she said defiantly.

"One," said the Joker, "two."

The Joker's hand moved its course, then fired a single round. The bang echoed around the room. Rose looked down, expecting a large hole in her stomach. But, she was unscathed.

She whipped around, eyes already full of tears. There was Jonathan, a red stain beginning to fill his crisp white shirt. Rose dropped to the ground next to him and grabbed his hand.

She couldn't feel a heartbeat, and his chest was already unmoving. His eyes were open, and a shocked look was plastered on his face. Rose began to sob.

"You see what you made me do." Said the Joker, "You made me shoot my only scientist."

Rose dared not look at him, to try to uphold some of her dignity. Her sobs echoed throughout the asylum.

Quite suddenly, a loud clang filled the room followed by a gentle thud. The Joker lay on the ground, unconscious.

A strange-looking man stood behind the Joker holding up a pipe. He was short with black hair that stood up in many different spots. He wore an expensive suit and had a pointy nose.

"Miss Rose, I suggest we skedaddle before he wakes up." Said the man.

"But, Jonathan..." she sniffled, holding back tears.

"There's no time." He answered before leaving the room. He seemed to waddle, not unlike a penguin.

Rose took on final look at Jonathan's body, then headed out the door.


The first ten minutes of the car ride away from that place were spent with Rose crying her eyes out. Finally, she began to calm down.

"Who are you?" She asked the man.

"Im Oswald Cobblepot, but you can call me Penguin." He answered, giving her a smile.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you to Poison Ivy. From what I heard, you're related and have the same powers, correct?"

Rose nodded her head. She began to silently cry again until she fell asleep listening to the sounds of the engine.


Hey! It's almost over! But there is still the Epilogue, so.....

Please comment/vote!!!!!

Love ya,
Someone who is crying rn 

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