Where Something Else And A Few Other Things Go Wrong ((Chap. 5))

352 8 11

((Published September 21, 2015))

Mari's POV

"Ughhhhh, just a little bit more sleep please.", I yelled to the annoying clock.

"Mari, come on, you can't yell at the clock.", Peter chuckled.

"Fine.", I sighed, "Hey we should watch some Doctor Who or something before I have to leave for work Pete!", I shouted excitedly.

"Oh, well I had some plans with some friends. So we can watch next time.", he said and started to get up.

"But we barely get to spend time together now.", I frowned.

"And who's fault is that?", he argued.

"What do you mean by that?", I asked.

"Well you're the one always at "work" with your guy friends. Your guy friends who always hit on you. And your work which is just playing lousy video games and going to stupid, useless conventions.", he responded.

((P.s. no hate for Peter or games/gamers, just for the plot as always :)))

"Hey, that's my job! And what I do for a living shouldn't be your decision.", I shouted, "You know what, fine. Whatever go hang out with your friends. And you might as well stay the whole day with them because I'll be busy at my so called stupid job." With that I grabbed some clothes and my make-up bag and left because I cannot stand Peter right now. I started to drive over to the Smosh HQ in my pajamas and messy ass hair. On my way there I grab some breakfast from McDonald's. I pay, grab my food, and angrily took a bite out of my hash brown.

"Fucking Peter and his dumb ass... saying my job was stupid... insulting my friends and coworkers... who does he think he is?"

I park my car in front of the building and ran straight into the elevator and up to the Smosh Games area. Then, I quickly went to the bathroom to change and do my make-up. I didn't really put on too much make-up because I wasn't in the mood. When I finished I realized I had a lot of time left before the others got here and we had to film. So, I decided to go on a Starbucks run. I slowly dragged my feet down to my car and get in. I make my way to Starbucks, order my drink and take a seat. Then I scrolled through all my social media for a while, taking a small sip here and there. I soon realized it was almost time to start shooting the new Game Bang. So I shuffled out to my car, taking my still full coffee cup with me. I see the all of the guys' cars in the parking lot and park next to theirs. Finally, after my slow walk up to the office, I made it to where the guys were setting up. Well all the guys except Anthony.

"Hey guys. Where's Anthony? And who's pictures are these?", I mentioned, referring to the Polaroid pictures on one of the desks.

"We're not sure, but it has Miel in them. So it's probably Anthony's or something.", Sohinki informed me.

"Oh, okay then.", I said and set my coffee down on the desk to help the guys set up the gaming and filming equipment. While I was putting the camera in position Anthony came back into the office looking a bit down, but still went over to help the guys with the gaming set up. After I was done setting up the camera, I moved to putting the boom mic up on its stand. Buuuuut I kind of had a difficult time holding the boom mic still and adjusting the stand for the boom mic, so the mic fell and knocked over my Starbucks coffee... and right onto the Polaroid pictures...

"Mari what the hell?!", Anthony burst out. He ran over to the pictures and turn to get the coffee off of the pictures.

"Anthony, I'm sorry I didn't mean it.", I tried to apologize.

"Goddamn it Mari!", he shrieked at me.

"Hey, I didn't mean it Anthony. I'm really really sorry.", I said trying to help get the coffee off.

"Yeah, I'm sure she didn't mean it Anthony. I think you're overreacting just a little bit.", Lasercorn tried to mention.

"No, I'm not! These were Miel's pictures, her favorite pictures!", he yelled frantically.

"I'm sure I could apologize to her tonight when we all go on our double date.", I said, totally forgetting that I just had a fight with Peter and didn't plan on talking to him at all for the rest of the day.

"Well no Mari you can't! You know why? You can't apologize to Miel tonight because she'll be too busy packing up her bakery to move to France! And I was supposed to get you guys to sign these for her, but I can't now because of a clumsy idiot. Some ballerina you are.", he scoffed.

"Excuse me? It was an accident Anthony! You can't just insult me like that!", I claimed.

"Then maybe next time you should be more careful.", he continued.

"It was an accident! Jeez, what is your problem. I know the pictures were important to Miel, but you're going a little overboard here.", I said.

"Mari, Anthony, I think you guys both need to calm down.", Ian butted in.

"Okay, fine.", I huffed, "It really was an accident Anthony." He didn't really say anything back, he just angrily muttered an okay and kept his attention on cleaning the photos.

"Good enough for me, just play nice during the Game Bang you two. Now come on we're all ready to start filming.", Ian decided. So everyone sat down on the spinning chairs set up in front of the flat screen t.v. I sat diagonally from Anthony and saw him glaring at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Man this day keeps getting worse...". I just sighed and looked to the camera with a happy expression as if the whole situation didn't JUST happen, as did everyone else.

Then, the cameraman counted down and we all yelled, "GAME BANG!".

Hey my lil kittens! The update fairy came early this week :P! I actually wrote a lot for this one ((can anyone guess how many words long this chapter is?)). And although it's pretty lengthy, I feel like I could've done better, but oh well. I'll improve in the next chapter. But don't you kittens worry, there will be plenty #anthari action soon :D! I know I've been lacking in the #anthari action area. But hope you enjoyed! Please vote, comment, and tell me how your day was :)

~Chrissy (=^▽^=)

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