Zayn Imagine - Family

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‘Y/N?’ You hear Zayn calling you loudly and urgently from downstairs, you rush out of your bedroom and downstairs as fast you can.

‘What happened?’ You ask as you see Zayn is crouched down looking at your son’s head caringly.

‘Anthony fell over and hit his head, he wanted his mommy.’ You sign a little bit as you thought it was something worse and go over to him.

‘How did you fall over baby?’ You ask softly and calmly to your 3 year old, you go over and sit on one of the kitchen seats and softly put Anthony on your knee.

‘I…don’t know mommy….I...I’m…sorry dough.’ You smile at him not being able to pronounce his words right.

‘Darling it’s okay, does your head hurt?’ Anthony shakes he head and rubs his right eye with the palm of his hand. ‘Okay then go watch some TV.’ You let him run into the sitting room to watch TV and you walk over to Zayn who is washing some plates in the sink.

‘You okay babe? You seemed a little panicked there.’ You ask cautiously.

‘I’m fine, I just got scared, he’s never fallen over like that in front of me before and I don’t want him to hurt himself, you know?’ You nod your head in agreement.

‘He’s just excited to see his daddy that’s all. I know I am.’ You smile and kiss Zayn’s cheek he turns around and holds you in his arms.

‘I hate being away all of the time; I miss you both so much when I’m gone.’ He kisses you on the forehead and stays there for a few seconds before signing loudly.

‘I miss you too babe; but you do it to help provide for your family, you should enjoy yourself when you go with the boys.’ Zayn smiles softly.

‘Well I’m here now with my beautiful wife and perfect son, that’s all I could ever wish for. I love you both with all of my heart and plus I don’t have to go away for another two months now because we’re on a short break.’ You smile as you lean into his him softly on the lips.

‘I love you Zayn. Come on lets go watch some TV.’ You say pulling at Zayn hand for him to walk forward. Releasing your hand Zayn puts a wet plate down on the draining board and wipes his hands on a cloth before following you into the sitting room.

‘Momma, Dada!’ Anthony shouts excitedly. You hardly ever get to sit down as a family and it feels perfect when you can.

You sit to Anthony’s right and Zayn to his left. You entwine your hand closest to Anthony’s with his and Zayn puts his arm around the back of Anthony and his fingers gently play with the little hairs on your neck. You love your family so much. As you turn to look at Zayn you see he’s staring at you instead of the TV.

‘I love you.’ He mouths and you can’t help but smile and mouth it back. You really do love these two boys with all of your heart.

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