Chapter 1

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"Miss Monroe" I heard Mrs. Sulkin calling my name, and look at her.
"Oh, look, you've decided to join us" she spoke as all the class snickers "This is not a day dreaming class, Kayla. Maybe you need a detention, today after the classes are finished. Not very long, an hour, not more" she continues.
"But.." Wanting to comment but she interrupts me.
"Or maybe two. As you wish"
I decided to shut up and accept the detention hour I recived.
"Let's continue"
After two hours of Literature with Mrs. Sulkin, with a pain in the ass like literally I get up from my seat and quietly walked out of the room without getting a lot attention myself.
I go to the cafeteria and sit down next to Sarah, waving at her lightly. I look around, my eyes falling on him. My nightmare and the reason I regret moving in this school. He sees me and frown, I quickly turn around, the food in the tray being pretty interesting.
When he is making fun of me he doesn't have the same look nor when he is beating me. I look up again, turn and see him with a sick smirk on his face. I'm not even hungry anymore, I get up from the table and left without saying bye to Sarah*ehh*.
Arriving to the art class, no one was here yet, between me and a girl, Connie. I take my seat in front of a support, somewhere in front of the class. After 10 minutes or so, the class started getting full. The teacher starts talking about what we would need to draw, when she was rudely interrupted by the door, while he entered.
"Mr.Styles...You thought about coming to the hour?" She said.
"Well it looks like you have an hour of detention today, congrats"
My eyes widened, probably popping out of my head, realising that I will be with him, an hour, alone. Skipping isn't a good idea but.. the bell breaks me out of my thoughts, the hour shockingly went pretty fast like the next few hours. I was walking to detention, when  my name was being called by my best friend,Sarah,mumbles
"Kayla..." trying to regain her breath. "I heard that you are in detention with Styles, I'm so sorry" she said pulling me into an embrace.
"It's ok, I'll be alright" I confirm.
I enter in the class and take a seat next to the math teacher's table.
"The detention will start when Mr. Styles will appear. If he is not coming in 10 minutes, we will start without him" he said.
"But he will have two hours tomorrow" he finishes and I just nod.
The door opens and through it walks a very relaxed Harry. He looks at me, and a small smirk grows on his face, my eyes leaving him and put head down. I see with the corner of my eye how he takes the seat next to me.
"Kids, I will go to the teachers room for a few minutes" oh no.
He walks out of the room, closing the door behind. I see how Harry gets up from his seat and comes to me, takes my wrists and harshly pulling me up.
"You are very good at hiding this marks, Kayla" he said touching my marks.
"Soo..did you have fun this weekend" he growls holding my wrists tighter. I don't answer him.
"I asked you something, Kayla" he roars.
I nod.
"I didn't hear anything" his hold easily vanishing.
"Yes" I croak.
He let my hand and I immediately take them in front of my chest, rubbing them lightly. He takes two steps back and looks at me.
"Tonight it's a party" he spoke. "And I want you to come" he continues leaving me stunned.
"Just if you don't want to get beat harder" Gulping I nod. "You can bring your friend, Sasha"
"Sarah" I correct him.
"Whatever, dress up adequate" he finishes.
Exactly now the professor enters in the room, both of us taking our seats.
"Be there at nine" he whispers.
After detention, I start walking home, wanting to call Sarah to tell her everything that happend, but I smiled when I see a message from Elliot. My only family, my brother. He says next week will come home from University. I'm so excited to see him.

I talked with Sarah, deciding that she will come over at mine to get ready, even though I don't really wanna go, but I must. I arrive home and went to my room waiting for my friend.
"Hey" she says walking through the door, inviting herself in.
"You know I have a door bell" I said amused.
"Yeah, yeah. Now, let's find you a dress" she said.
I sigh as she started searching through my wardrobe. She takes out a white dress, that I get from my mother on my sixteen birthday.
"It's prefect" she squeals handing me to try it on.
I put the dress and matching it with a pair of white heels. And start doing a natural make up leaving my hair free.
Sarah is dressed with a black dress with black heels.
We both get out of the flat, calling a taxi going to Harry's address.
When we arrived I was speechless. We were in front of a huge house full of people dancing.
We enter, and after 5 minutes I already lost Sarah.
I sigh frustratedly and went into the kitchen, leaning on the bar.
*Harry's POV*
She came. And she was stunning, I couldn't take my eyes off her. She started walking to the kitchen and for her good, I followed her.
I entered, there she was talking to ..Carter.
What the hell is he doing here?
"Hey..Kayla..You came" I said.
"Cool party bro" said Carter "A lot of hot girls" he continued winking at Kayla, while he was leaving.
"What was that?" I rise my voice at her. She shivered.
"I don't know. I-I don't even know who he was"
I take her hand, when Liam stops me and says that I really need to see who came.
We follow him till we are in the front garden where I see Kian.
"What are you doing here?" I growled.
"I came to party" Then he moves his eyes on Kayla, who was standing behind me.
"You don't have the right to be here" I said giving him a death glare.
"My life Styles...maybe I want to live dangerously" he smirked.
"Would you?" I said punching him in the stomach. He tries to hit me back but I hit him again, me being on top of him throwing punches everywhere. I heard a small voice calling my name and a small hand touching my biceps.
I turn around and see Kayla crying.
"Stop it..he hasn't done anything wrong" she yells.
I turn around coming near her but she turn around and ran into the house. I scared her more than I already have.
I try to catch her, and when I am very close the her I take her wrist and spin her around, embracing her.
"Leave me alone" she cries while hitting my chest with her fists "please" she whispers weakly.
I pick her bridal style, and walk to my car.
"Where are we going?" she asks.
"My place"
After a 20 min ride, we are in front of my flat. I enter and make my way to the kitchen. When I come back she was still next to the door.
"Enter" I said.
She obeys and step into the flat.
"Why did you take me here" she asked looking at the ground.
"Because I couldn't let you go home like this"
I go to my bedroom, and start searching for something Kayla could sleep in. A T-Shirt and some boxers.
I hand them to her and say:
"You can go and change in the bathroom, its there" I said indicating the place.
She left and I decided to change and get in the bed.
She enters the room and oh God. She was beautiful...and I don't really say this thing
"Uh..where I am going to sleep?" She asked.
"Here with me"
"I don't accept a no" I said cutting her off.
She walks slowly to the bed and get in.
"Good night, Kayla"
"Night, Harry" she whispers.
It was so much fun translating it. I love this book so muuuch

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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