While your gone

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I felt a bit lost with out the brooks and Daniel and James. I lay down on my bed thinking. I heard my phone ping so I grabbed it. I glared at the lock screen. It was a picture of me and beau with his snapbacks on. I felt sad as I looked at the picture. We were both close and looking into each other's eyes. I looked at the message it was Emily.

Hey rach,
Wanna meet up and do something? I'm a bit bored haha.
Em xxx

I quickly replied.
Hey em
You want to come meet me at mine? My family is out so we have house to ourselves. Xxx

Emily's reply:
Sure :) I'll be there in 5. How are you doing. It's quite with out the boys haha xxx

Yeah it is haha! Missing them but we are in need of a catch up on our own :) a girly day with Em yay! See you in a bit xxx

The doorbell went so I ran down the stairs to open the door.
'Emilyyyy' I yelled
'Hey Rachel' she laughed.
We chatted for a while and decided we were going to have a girly day and sleepover at mine.

'Lets do prank calls' Emily suggested
'Ok who shall we call?' I asked
'How about your boyfriend' she nudged my with her elbow and smirked.
'Haha what do I say to him' I asked
'Pretend your a stalker of him and act really weird and gross haha pretend you are calling him from the toilet' Emily said.
'Haha ok I'm blocking my number so he doesn't know it's me' I said


I put on a high pitch American voice so he didn't recognise my voice.
R= 'OOOMMMGGG! Is this beau brooks!!'
B= 'err hi yeah. Who is this?'
I missed his voice I thought as I hadn't heard it on a while.
R='my name is...'
Emily whispered 'Charlotte' into my ear
R= 'Charlotte... my name is Charlotte. I'm such a big fan I love you'
B= 'ahw thanks haha. What you doing. And how did you get my number. By the way?'
R= 'I'm on the toilet' I tried to hide in my laugher. I looked at Emily she gave me a thumbs up.
B= 'er ok' he laughed a little nervously.
R='and I know your number because I love you and I've planned out our wedding already'
B='haha errr haha...' There was an awkward silence as beau didn't know how to reply to that. He was clearly weirded out how so stalker got his number and now wanted to marry him. I tried my best not to laugh.
B= 'well I'm err I'm taken.' He said
This made me smile. He was loyal to me just as I was loyal to him. I missed him.
R='what's your so called girlfriend like?' I said as I tried to keep in character. This conversation really showed beau cared about his fans. Even if it was one that sounded a bit weird and of a stalker.
B='she's beautiful and out of my league. She makes me laugh and she's pretty amazing really haha' I could tell beau was blushing at the other end of the phone call.
'Ahw no you are' I said in my normal voice and giggled and then realised that I had gone out of character. 'Whoops' I said as I looked up at Emily.
'Noooo' Emily said as I gave away my cover.
'I'm sorry I forgot' I said as I forgot I was on the prank call and replied with out pretending I was this creepy fan.
'Babe. I miss you' beau laughed 'nice prank call by the way haha'
'Why thank you, I learn from the best. And I miss you too' I replied
'Yeah you did learn from the best. Don't think I won't get you back' beau laughed.
'How's Aus going?'
'It's going well but I miss you too much.'
'Ahh I'm missing you too. I can't believe I've never been to Australia. I've always wanted to. How's the sun?'
'One day I'll take you, just me and you. The Sun is out and headed down to the beach this morning with some friends we have here.' Beau said. 'Then later we are going to have a big family meal out and a family catch up. I haven't seen Nonna in a while so spending some time with her in a bit.'
'Ahh that's nice tell them all I say hi and Luke and jai-Kai haha' I said
'Well I better get going but I'll Skype you tomorrow. Love you' beau said.
'Love you too. Yeah that sounds good. Speak then. Bye'
'Bye babe' beau said as we put down the phone.

'That. Was. So. Cuteeeeeee!' Emily said. I forgot she was there and listening on the conversation so I blushed a little and giggled.
'You two are just so good together!' Emily said.
'Thanks em. It means a lot' I smiled and hugged her.

' I know who we should prank call... Eva' I said
'Yes let's prank call Eva!' Emily agreed.

'Hello this is the manager of McDonald's. I wanted to let you know that you are the winner of the competition. I thought you should know that your 56 happy meals are on there way to your house as your prize' Emily said as she put on a Scottish accent.
'Er what competition, I didn't enter one' Eva said
'The competition that you entered. You got all the correct answers!' I said as I tried to imitate the Scottish accent that Emily did.
We both ended up laughing.
'Emily? Rachel? Is that you guys?' Eva said.
'Haha yeah we are at Rachel's house. What you doing. Just taking a break from my photography project. I don't know what to do. I might just leave it until tomorrow. So now I guess I'm doing nothing haha' Eva told us
'Hey why don't you come over?' I said
'Bring your camera I love photography by the way. I'm not the best I only do it as a bit of fun' I said
'Cool! Sounds good! I'll see you in a bit then' Eva said.

A dream? (a beau brooks fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now