Chapter 20: Film Vs. Fact

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"Honestly, Anee-san, you're the last person I would have thought would ever get involved with a foreigner," Haruko remarked as they waited for the kids to get their popcorn and soda.

"Why should it be so surprising? I've lived and worked in America for quite a while. Japanese men are rather thin on the ground over there," Yukie replied. "Not to mention that there,  I was the foreigner."

"I don't know. You were always so traditional, until you weren't, of course." Haruko gave her a sideways glance and a knowing smile. "Now tell me, is your Matthew just as big all over?"

"Haruko!" Yukie scolded her. "He is... completely in proportion. But that has little to do with why I'm with him. He's very good to me, and has been right from the start. You know how men can get about Japanese women—the objectification. We're sex dolls, we're geisha, naughty school girls, stay-at-home mothers, pathetically eager to please and so very grateful for any attention. I cannot tell you how often a man who seemed interested in me has been taken aback and then turned off when I told him what I do. Or how often men try to belittle my accomplishments or talk down to me. Matthew was different from the very beginning. I have never felt that I was less than a person in his eyes."

"Ohhh," Haruko sighed. "You make me even more jealous."

"Don't be," Yukie smiled. "You have your three daughters. For that I envy you."

"Hah, you wouldn't if you had to live with them. Be glad you only have Kari to think of." Haruko looked towards the refreshment stand line.

It was the premiere of 'The Haunted Bus Stop', and not only had Haruko come along, but she had brought her three daughters, even though the youngest was a little young to be going to horror movies. She had begged and pleaded until her mother gave in. Kari had added to the party as well, for several of her new friends and Kitaro had joined them, until there were ten of them. Matthew had opted out once the reviews came out, preferring to go to the gym than to a lackluster movie.

"How did Mother and Father take it when you told them you saw me?" Yukie diverted the conversation.

"You know them," Haruko winced. "Father grunted and turned on the television, Mother...heard what she wanted to hear, and went off on how she didn't care how broke you were, you weren't moving back in with them, not when she had not only Father but Great-Uncle to look after. Did I tell you Great-Uncle moved in with them? It was not long after he saw you fighting. He had a slight stroke. Anyway, it took me some time to get it through her head that you weren't slinking back with your tail between your legs looking for a handout. Instead you're at least comfortably well off and on vacation with a man who can hardly take his eyes off you."

"And then she called me a whore, no doubt," she predicted.

"Uh-huh. She has gotten strange since Great-Uncle moved in—she won't let anyone visit for very long and she's stockpiling rock salt," Haruko told her.

"That might simply be because it's winter and the sidewalks are slippery," Yukie pointed out.

"Whatever the reason, you can barely get in the door without falling over salt bags. Plus since the tax law changed, there's a nice incentive for people who live in multigenerational family homes. Less death duties when an elder passes, you see. At first she was going on and on at our brother that he and his wife should move in with them, and now she won't hear of it." Haruko shrugged.

"Are you sure it's not early dementia?" Yukie asked.

"Quite. Her doctor says her mind is as sharp as ever. Okay!" She raised her voice so all the teens could hear her. "Do you all have enough to keep you from fainting from hunger for the next hour and a half? Good. I don't know how you can digest that stuff. Which theater was it? Three?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2015 ⏰

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