Dear mum

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Bonjour Mum, i know you'll never read this i don't even know if your alive, i don't even know if you know that I'm alive.
I think about you all the time i dont remember you though i have a picture Of you and well i guess my birth name since you have it to me but no one calls me my birth name they call me the name the Americans gave me, Naomi, i really don't like it but its what i have to go by. I hope i meet you one day and that you will love me and papa too. The people you gave me too have hurt me so bad i have so many bruises, but they moved away and left me here so i guess thats better. i have so much to tell you mum like i have met the most amazing people online and in real life and i have the most amazing boyfriend in the world! i wish we could meet mum well anyway i love you and I hope you love me too.
- your princess

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