lost romance boy pov

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its over I said as I left the room it was about time we broke up we were both thinking its going to happen so I ended it now I feel terrible but its for the best one of us had to do it now I did not know what to do it was over I might call my first friend we can go to the pup and watch the game tomorrow.

15mins later

he dude wana go to the pub tomorrow I got nothin else to do.why did you finally live the girl. yeah I did I told herbit was over and walked out I feel terrible but its for the best.yeah dude lets go we'll have a blast. ok see you later.

the next day

this is gonna be fun I said as I left the house when I got to bens house my best friend he had just finished his dinner.we then set of to the pub when we got there ben said he was goin to the bar before to game started but he never came back the game was halfway through and he came back talking about this girl he met so I went over and sore a girl the most beautiful girl ever I went over to here and said hello we talked for a while then she said she had to go and we both left.

the day after that

I stopped at bens house and when I got up I left the house and went home

I was about to go in the house when I sore helly the girl from yesterday her eyes gleaming I walked up to her and we started talking again I gave her a kiss goodbye and went home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2013 ⏰

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