Return of Tylee Uzumaki

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I walked up to the Leaf Village gate. My Sand head-band glistened in the sun, and the wind made my blond hair flap in the wind. Ever since my hair turned blond I've kept it in a high ponytail that reach to the bottom of my neck.

"There it is!" I began running towards the gate."The village hasen't changed a bit!" A leaf blew in front of my face.

I walked through the gate, and avoided the smaller kids running and playing.'Man its been forever, I don't even know where to start. Although I wonder who the new Hokage is.' I stopped a few meters past the gate and put my hand on my hips.

"So, where should I start. I'd say checking up on the Hokage, right?" I asked Gaara sensei.

"That's what I was planning. The Hokage should know your back." Gaara sensei said.

I looked up at the Hokage's mansion. I bared my top row of teeth for a smile. I began to run down the street towards the mansion.

"Race you there!" I yelled to Gaara sensei.

I jumped onto a roof, so I wouldn't run into people.'I really haven't changed, have I?' My ponytail flopped in the wind. I jumped down from the roof tops, because I ran out of them. I ran into the middle of a four way rode, where I stopped to take a breather. I put my hands on my knees, when I heard someone call out to me.

"Tylee? Tylee, is that you?!" I turned to find Bolin yelling to me. He had the biggest smile on his face. He ran towards me."Its been forever!"

Bolin picked me up and spun me around. Then placed me softly back on the ground."How long have you been back?" He asked."And why are you wearing a Sand Village head-band?" He placed his finger on the shinning metal plate.

"I just got back, and Gaara sensei gave it to me a few days after I arrived in the Sand Village." I slightly lifted the head-band off my fore-head.

"Speaking of Lord Gaara, where is he?" He looked around.

"I left him behind. I challenged him to a race to the Hokage's mansion." I said using my thumb to point back to the gate.

"Well may I escort you to you location?" He said playfully bowing, with his right hand crossing over his stomach.

"What a gentalmen, yes you may." I laughed.

"You haven't changed at all, your the same hyperactive girl you were two years ago. What are you now, 17?" He placed his hand on my head.

"Almost I'm 16, training was a half year shorter than either of us thought," I put my hands in the pocket of my light purple, and grey jacket.

Bolin and I chatted about what went on while I was in the Sand. I guess he had a lot of contact with Kiba while I was gone, because he talked mostly about stuff that they did. He said he and Kiba joined a baseball team, and suggested me to play with them. I just told him I'd think about it.

We arrived at the mansion, and we walked in. We both walked up the stairs, side by side. Bolin knocked on the door.

"Lord Hokage, someone's here to see you." Bolin pushed the door open.

I walked in to see Kakashi wearing the Hokage cloak, and hat hanging over his back from his neck. The masked man looked up from the book he was reading. It was a differen't book but from the same series, the Make Out Paradise series. His right eye widened, and he stood up.

"Tylee, is that really you?" He asked while doing his one eye smile.

"In the flesh." I put my hands out to the side and shrugged.

Kakashi hugged me and asked me,"When did you get back?"

"Just now." I looked up at him."So your the new Hokage, eh?"

Red Jinchuriki(Naurto, and Avatar Fan-fiction)[B2](Red Wind Saga)Where stories live. Discover now