Chapter 4 - Confusion

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Your Pov

You woke up to find yourself in a room. You were surprised as you weren't tied up or anything. You stood up a bit shakily and looked around. You saw a mirror and walked over to it. You looked at yourself studying to see if anything changed. Your e/c eyes were dull and your hair was messy. But other than that you seemed normal. You saw the door and walked over to it, you twisted the handle expecting it to not open. You were surprised as it it opened so easily, but sighed in relief. You looked around and noticed you were in the hallway of the restaurant. Your breath started getting faster and your heartbeat in your ears. You walked down the hallway to the main room. "What am I doing here?" You said aloud to nobody in particular. You then heard a loud chuckle echo around the building making you jump.

You looked around the main room and saw a figure, the figure just stood there staring at the wall near you. You noticed it seemed like Freddy or Golden Freddy. You took a couple steps forward. You saw the brown hair and sighed in relief as it was Freddy. You got a closer look at his face and noticed he had a smirk. One of his eyes was black with a white pupil. "That's not normal..." You murmured to yourself as you studied his face. His other eye was completely normal. As soon as you said that both of his eyes darted to me. In instant you were pinned to the wall his strength surprising you. You winced as pain started shooting up your shoulders. His black eye looked like it was trying to murder me with a stare, his other eye seemed to be pleading for help. He quickly let go and his face turned into a frown "Run..." He whispered to me as he fell to the ground in agonizing pain. You gulped as you saw his other eye start turning black and white. You quickly got up and ran to the door and tried opening it. Nothing. It wouldn't budge. Where was Goldie?! Wasn't he the one that brought you here?! Ugh. Where was he when you needed him! You tried opening the door again but it still didn't budge. You glanced back to Freddy where he was twitching his clothes turning a dark almost gray color. His face was blank but it was staring directly at you. You angrily kicked the door multiple times adrenaline bursting through you. You were surprised by the mass of strength that came through you.

You burst through the door as it broke off, and ran outside and your vision started being hazy and very blurry. Everything looked foggy and your heard burst into pain. You felt water splash in to your face, and you felt yourself jolt awake. You smashed your head into another head. Which caused me even more pain. "Ouch! ahhH!" You said groaning in pain as you grabbed your head. Your vision was still a bit blurry as you looked around you. They all sighed in relief as you looked at them with utter confusion. "What...what happened?" You asked them. They shrugged equally confused.

You muttered something under your breath about them being idiots. You shakily stood up and in an instant an arm linked yours. It was Goldie. You groaned, "What do you want?" You asked him. He smirked that sexy smirk that made your heart flip. You shook your head Why were you thinking like that this guy knocked you out! You gave him a death stare as he started speaking. "Well you see Y/N. I wanted to see if you would like to help you get home?" He finished a big smirk on his face as you raised your fist wanting to punch him but, then another painful throb from your head ache hit.

You shook your head "I wouldn't mind being accompanied home. Just not by you." You unlinked your arm from his and shakily walked over to Freddy. "I would much rather go home with Freddy. You can take my right Freddy?" You asked pulling on his shirt giving a puppy look. He blushed a little but nodded. You turned and smirked at Goldie's face, his face was red with anger and annoyance. He didn't say anything since everyone was staring at him. He rolled his eyes "Whatever." He muttered and walked out. You grinned at Freddy who seemed a little bit unsure but followed you out.


Here is the next Chapter ;3 Hope you like it~! Goldie is getting a little bit jelly ^_^ Remember To Vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2015 ⏰

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