Chapter 6: Preparation

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Now that Carissa was involved, it was time for action.
It took ages to set a date, sometimes waiting a whole week to know if a certain day was available. Carissa was practically a spy: she had to subtly interrogate Dan on his favorite colors, availability, preferences... All without him knowing. It was practically impossible, she said. But it still happened.
(Dan's POV)

Carissa has been acting weird lately... I sound like a 1920s spy whispering into a tape recorder, but it's true.
She's been acting really weird lately.
Yesterday, she spent half an hour trying to figure out if I liked roses or irises more, romantically speaking. She created a whole fake scenario of "what if someone asked you to the prom with a bouquet of roses?" and then asked if irises were better.
Literally so weird.
Of course, being a decent human being, I tried not to act too strange and answer her question, with a growing suspicion in my stomach that she wanted to ask me out.
It wasn't a good suspicion.
Sure, I was straight, but for some reason I didn't feel like girls at the moment. That makes no sense, but neither is my life, so there. My mind's just been scattered lately.
Maybe I need to sleep more. I think getting up an hour early in the mornings to do my makeup isn't a good idea. It's probably been seriously wrecking havoc on my sleeping schedule.
But anyways, I do like irises more. Roses are so cliche.
"He said irises," Carissa whispered into the phone.
"Great," I said, writing it down, "Now, can you figure out which candle smell he likes best?"
"What?" she asked, exasperated. But eventually she agreed and went to have an increasingly awkward conversation.
"Dan?" Carissa called to me from outside my room.
"Yes?" was this more rose/iris business? Oh no.
"Can I come in?"
She came in and sat on bed for a few moments, tapping the black and gray blanket. She was chewing on her lip and staring at the floor. 
"So, were you going-"
"You like candles, right?" she interrupted me, tapping the bed more fervently.
"Umm...? Sure? I mean, they're all rig-"
"Never mind," she interrupted again. Clearly she hadn't thought this over, and she stated, "let's play a game."
"Let's play yes or no." What even?
"I'll start." She drummed her fingers on her knee, "Lemon scented candles- yay or nay?"
I laughed, "I thought the game was called 'yes or no'!"
"Yes or no, yay or nay- Same thing! The question still stands."
"Okay, fine; yay, I guess. Although they are a bit strong sometimes."
"What about flowery smells, are those better?"
"Nah." Candles? Obviously too romantic for me. I needed to know the truth...
"Too- vanilla. Listen-"
"Open window?'
"The fuck is that supposed to smell like? Anyways, Carissa-"
She gasped and snapped her fingers, "Fall spice! I know you like those!"
"All right, you got me, but listen!"
She was about to ask about another scent, but she stopped.
"I have to ask you something," I sighed, "Are you- are you trying to ask me out?"
She paused for a few moments, her expressions unreadable.
"Um. No." And she walked out of my room, stifling a giggle. Even so, I wasn't sure.
Okay. I had to ask Dan about candles. Okay.
I got into his room and sat down on his bed.
Let's do this the easy way.
"You like candles, right?" I blurted out. Great start Carissa, great start.
"Umm...? Sure? I mean, they're all rig-"
"Never mind, " I had a better idea, "let's play a game."
Messy start, but I was able to zero in on candles pretty quickly. That was a good sign.
I asked him about a few smells, trying to ignore the growing tension as he kept trying to ask me something. Maybe I could escape-
"I have to ask you something," he sighed, 'Are you- are you trying to..."
The seconds ticked forever. I could practically hear the passage of time. Was he onto me? Will he find out about Phil? My thoughts were blurred and runny, like egg yolks in my brain... Okay, weird analogy, but... Oh, it was all screwed, all ruined, ruined. Such a plan...! Poor Phil... He had been so hopeful, he had worked so hard on this... And here I was letting it slip away, through my fingertips... Oh shit. Oh crap. Oh fuck. Let's hope he doesn't say
"... Ask me out?" Thank the gods! I almost laughed out loud. The plan was still going, it was strong, oh...
What an awkward moment. What do I say? Just... No?
"Um. No." And I hurried out.
Yes, it still happened. And it happened beautifully. With irises and the smell of autumn. It was wonderful.
Dan shook his head, "Damn, I was surprised... I was so surprised the next week..."

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