Chapter 1

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Author's Note

Hey guys so I have decided to stop publishing my first story Mend my Heart. I just don't like where it is going and I have no more passion to write it.  I do, however, want to continue writing so I will be starting a new story.  It will really tie in with the show on MTV called Finding Carter.  It is one of my all time favorites and so this book will be based off of that.  I hope you like it and I will do my best to make it really mature and just really interesting.  I want you to love it and I want it to get much more popular than the last story I did.  I honestly wasn't proud of it or how it was doing so I hope this one is much better.  Thanks guys and continue on reading!!

- Sara


-Chapter 1-

Wind whizzed through my short brown hair as I ran across the grass. Stumbling on some roots as I laughed along with my friends.  Once we reached the tall fence some began climbing above it while others crawled through the small hole that was formed at the bottom of the worn and rusty metal.  We all stood up and continued walking up the abandoned carousel. 

Suddenly it illuminates the night sky as we all turn our heads to see Michael holding the lever up into the "on" position. We cheered loudly as the rest of the group continued to run up to the carousel. 

My boyfriend Louis smiles at me before kissing me forcefully on the lips.  The term "boyfriend" is used very loosely here, as we are actually best friends who use the occasional benefits to keep each other occupied. We pulled away and I looked him in the eye with one of my eyebrows cocked, "I thought we were broken up." I said teasingly.  Although we used to date we never let our breakup get in the way of our friendship or our....needs.

"That doesn't mean we can't still have the benefits Willow." He said cheekily with a wink.

Although Louis was extremely attractive with his bright blue eyes and tousled brown hair on top of being an incredibly nice guy and one of the only people I trusted we just weren't good as a couple.  I shoved his chest lightly as we chuckled and walked towards the bright ride that children usually adored.

There were 8 of us here tonight as we all stepped into the carousel.  We all sat in comfortable silence as the ride begun spinning in circles.

"Hey Jess! Come here!" I heard one of the other girls yell as she passed Jess her blunt.  Smoke soon filled some seats as boys and girls all took drags of their blunts.  The smell of alcohol filled my senses as people began drinking beer and other fluids. I chuckled as Colt began tossing people cans of beer, some of them being dropped and leaking all over the ground from breaking open.  I popped mine open and began to take sips from the blue can.  Louis slowly walked over to me, his eyes now a red color as he took another drag from his blunt. He sat down and pressed multiple kisses along my neck leading down to my collarbone.  I leaned my head back against the booth I was currently sitting in and closed my eyes. 

My friends and I usually did this sort of thing when we felt a little more "adventurous" as if we never did things this illegal. We were always out doing crazy things. Luckily we all had parents that didn't really give a shit or parents that were just too oblivious to realize what was happening. It was 1:00 in the morning for Gods sake and we were here in a closed down carousel smoking weed and drinking at the age of 17.  The speed of the carousel seemed to speed up as we drank more and became higher.  Suddenly a siren went off and blue and red lights were flashing in our eyes.

"Fuck." Louis muttered next to me, throwing his blunt away from the immediate area.


Before the Hangout

"That was not how I was expecting that movie to end." I said laughing as I spooned more and more Reeses pieces into my cup, covering the small amount of vanilla frozen yogurt I had poured into it before.

"I know who knew grandparents could be that crazy." My mom said smiling along with me as she poured various toppings onto her yogurt.

We had just seen The Visit which even though it was mostly funny the ending was fucking terrifying.

"Thank God I don't have grandparents to visit or else I would be super paranoid." I said walking over to the cash register.

My mom laughed along with me. "Hey tell me why you constantly fill your cup with reeses pieces instead of actual yogurt?"

"Mom it's delicious don't knock it till you try it." I said nudging her.  "This is the best dinner I could ever eat." I smiled taking a spoonful of my reeses pieces with yogurt.

"Wow I am the worst mom ever, frozen yogurt for dinner? Really healthy good job Katie." My mom took a spoonful of her yogurt laughing once again as we sat down outside to enjoy the peace and quiet on this late summer night.

"No way you are the best mom ever." I chuckled before looking down towards my phone that just buzzed.

"Who's that?" My mom asked once she realized I was ignoring my texts.

"Oh it's just Louis texting me asking if I want to hang out with some of our friends tonight."

"Oh is that like a booty call?" My mom said smirking jokingly.

"What the hell please never say booty call again." I said furrowing my eyebrows whilst trying to suppress my laughter.
"Ok ok, well are you going to go?"

"No I rather just spend some time with you, I haven't seen you all day."  I say with a shrug.  Sure, it was fun getting to go out with my friends but my mom was truly my best friend, she was so cool and meant the world to me.

"I think you should go, it's very clear that you want to." She said smugly.  She began to pull her jacket off. "Here take this and go have fun I kept you trapped with me for long enough." She tossed her jacket to me with a chuckle.

"You're the best thanks mom. Love you!" I said hugging her

"Love you more." She said, I smiled this was one of our things that we always did, going back and forth between who could possibly love the other more.

"Not possible." I said shrugging the jacket onto me as a breeze swiftly pushed past my face, chilling me slightly.

"Yes possible." My mom finished before kissing me on the cheek and lightly shoving me away before I started to walk over to Louis'.


Well I hoped you all loved the first chapter! I am going to write every Sunday and Monday probably, but please bear with me.... I have school, dance and work.  Please please please give me some tips on how to get this story bigger I actually have goals this time.  No I am not thinking this will ever be as big as "After" for example but please help me out and comment, and favorite on the chapters.

Thanks guys comment what you think please!

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