Chapter 2

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   Dan's POV


After the girls left me and Phil sat there with silence filling our booth. " Karrissa ressembles you a lot." I chuckled at the thought of me as a girl, " And May she is nothing like you." I said. We both started laughing our asses off for no reason, when Phil said " I think I like her she is so fun and hey differences attract."     " Yah I guess you and May would be awesome together, but Karrissa I hope she liked me..."  I finally decided to text Karrissa about meeting up when Phil hollered for me to bring May too. We set up a location and time, before she had to go. I kept thinking about Karrissa and how her eyes are so mesmerizing. Phil ran out of his room yelling my name before he plopped down next to me I was nervous when I realized his face went pale, he pulled up Youtube before he clicked on a video. " Phil what is this?"   He didn't respond until a girl came up and it was Karrissa and she was being beaten by a boy, and his friends. After the video ended I looked at Phil who was on the verge of crying. Me and Phil then made a promise to protect these girls for this guy is still looking for her. The only thing I'm thinking now is why is Karrissa letting this happen?

     May's POV

I was in the bathroom brushing my long dirty blonde hair when I started thinking about my appearance. I have light aqua eyes, I have long dirty blonde hair that falls right above my hips I also have the emo fringe but girl version. Mmmmm I'm 5'6 and I'm very thin but not scary thin.  My age well I am turning 23 in4 months yay! I was about to brush my teeth when Phil texted me saying " Seeya tomorrow ;)" Oh my gosh I was going to freak. I walked down the hall to her room before yelling " OH MY GOSH PHIL AND DAN ARE COMING TO US TOMORROW!" Before I calmed down " cool!" Then I walked back in to the bathroom before hearing Karrissa yell " I'm so confused by you sometimes."

  Authors note

Hey sorry this chapter was boring but I felt like I needed to explain May in her POV and also move on with the story in Dan's POV. But hope you guys enjoyed it well Byeeeez -Kat

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