chapter 3

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The drive to Taylor's house was quite except for the radio and her occasionally singing along to the songs. I loved riding with her because she would sing amd her voice is like an angels, Its beautiful.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I grabbed it and read the message it was from

Megan: 'Hey where are y'all it lunch want y'all aren't here? '

Me:'Taylor is taking me to her house'

Megan:'of ask her if she's bi or not'

You see Megan was the only ones who knew I liked taylor
So she was always trying to get me to ask her put but I always said no because I was to scared to

Me:'no way I already know she's straight so what's the point'

Megan:'IDK I mean it's worth a shot'

She has a point. I turned to look at Taylor she was looking at the road being serious. I looked at her a little longer till I busted out laughing she turned to look at me confused and I just laughed harder "what's so funny" she asked "your being to serious" I said she pouted but looked at the road again I smiled at her and Texted megan

Me:'I can't do it I'm to scared it will be awkward'

I waited a few seconds before she replied

Megan:'lmao just ask her'

Me:'ugh fine'

I turned to Taylor again "Hey tay" I said she turned and looked at me "yeah?" she asked as she turned back to the road "I need to asked you a question but don't take it weirdly okay" "okay" "are you straight?" "no" she said "oh" I said a little to excited we stayed quiet for the rest of the ride as we pulled in to the driveway of her flat I got out the car and waited for her to do the same she walked up to her front door amd unlocked it her potbelly puppy Bailey immediately ran up to her barking amd whining like crazy. She is a all white pit with light Brown spots littering her body she is absolutely adorable she is sweet as hell too I mean she never bites anyone or growls "make yourself at home" she said as she walked Down the hall. I honestly did not see that coming she bi?!?...i wonder if I have a chance now. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that she came back into the room until she cleared her throat "are you Okay me?" she asked concerned I blinked a couple of times and nodded my head "just lost in thought I guess" I said as she sat down with what looked like a first aid kit she patted the spot next to her and I made my way over to her and sat down "lift up your shirt" she said but I just sat there fiddling with my thumbs you see I am insecure of my body so I didn't really want to the only reason I did it around Megan is because she's my best friend and she's seen all.. That before. She sighed and reached over and lifted my shirt for me I didn't stop her I just looked at my feet and waited for her to get done examining my body. "I think you might have a couple broken ribs and you have a lot of bruises but I think other then that your physically okay" she gave me a sad look "what's wrong" I asked concerned "why didn't you tell me this was happening" she asked me "I didn't want you to worry" I said she pulled me into a hug it hurt a lot but it was worth it I loved her hugs she left to put the first aid kit back up so I curled up on her couch and waited

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