(21) JenniJames

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Describe yourself--

I'm 5'4 and I have uber long hair--no really, it touches my bum. And it's supposed to be dark blonde,

but I love to dye it red to match my kids. I love to paint portraits, act, sing, dance and I love to cook.

I'm constantly laughing, and I'm kind of a bit of a prankster. I love teasing my kids, but they always

 get me back. ;)

Name a few of your favorite things like foods and books and why u like them-

-I LOVE Mexican

 food and Portuguese food. Nummy! they're so flavorful. Books I love... Well, I love romantical

stories. Seriously. I was a huge meg cabot fan for a long time, but living overseas (we were in

england and portugal for 9 years) made it hard to buy her books so I haven't caught up to her latest

 ones. I also LOVE harry potter. I find JK Rowling an incredible author! Her descriptions are


What or who is your inspiration-

-Judith A Lansdowne is my most favorite author and definitely

my inspiration. Apart from Jane Austen, since I am modernizing her books. :)

What do u want to be when u grow up and why? LOL! I think this is my favorite question so far.

I want to be a grandma to a gazillion grandkids and bake a lot of cookies for them. Plus, I wanna

be the same--just older. :)

What book do u think you would want to write next why?

I'm in the middle of Mansfield Ranch..

. I so need to pick that one up and finish it. Hmm... maybe I'll put it up here, i'm pretty positive you

 guys would keep me motivated enough to get it done! :P

Do you have any other comments to your readers or books you'd like to recommend to your


Don't give up writing! So many people give up before they had the chance to see their dreams

 come true. It's tough, but hang in there. It's the same with any new talent you're developing,

 it takes time and practice. If anyone would like to take my free writing class, they're welcome to

 check it out: http://jennijameswritingclass.blogspot.com/



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