Final Exams

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It's been a few weeks since I first started the academy. Final exams are starting tomorrow.
"Onii-chan!" Sakura yells knocking me out of my thoughts. I look over at her.
"Will you get me a seat next to Saskue today?" She asks hopeful. I sigh.
"How exactly am I going to do that?" I ask.
"Invite them to sit with you." She suggests.
"Why would they want to sit next to me?"
"All the girls have been wanting to sit next to you! There just shy." I raise an eyebrow.
"They don't seem shy infront of Saskue."
"That's because they know what Saskue is going to say your new so they don't know how to approach you." I roll my eyes. "Please!" She begs.
"Fine, but I'm not promising it will work."
"Yay! Thank you Onii-chan!" As we enter the classroom the Uchiha was already surrounded by fangirls. Oh great. Sakura and I walk up to the hord of girls.
"Hey." I say and awkwardly all the girls turn to me. I sweatdrop.
"Y-yes Loki-kun?" A girl who I don't remeber the name to asks. I then look over at Sakura. She gestures for me to continue. I sigh. Great everyone is looking at me.
"Mind if I sit here?" I ask pointing next to Ino.
"Next to me?" She asks. I nod. "Yeah you can." Why does she have heart eyes? Next thing I know most of the girls are sitting all around me and Sakura is sitting next to Saskue.

She better be thankful! Next thing I notice is Naruko being dragged into the classroom tied in rope by Iruka sensei.
"I'm tired of this Naruko!"
"Hmph." Iruka sensei gets an irk mark and points to the whole class.
"Fine since you missed it Naruko the whole class will have to go over the transformation justu!" Iruka yells. While everyone groans. We all walk up to the front of the class.
"Alright Sakura here!" My sister yells... What was the point of that I think while sweatdropping. She then poofs into Iruka sensei. Then back into her normal form. "Yes I did it! Saskue did you see that?" She asks. You did that a few minutes ago I think while softly chuckling.
"Loki Haruno." Iruka calls my name. I walk up and poof into Iruka as well. I then walk back to my seat. "Saskue Uchiha." He walks up and transforms into Iruka as well. Wow boring... "Naruko Uzimaki." Naruko walks up and poofs into.... A naked guy version of herself. Iruka looks as if he's going to vomit.
"Hahaha! I got you Sensei with my sexy justu!" Naruko shouts. Wow she's perverted.
"Cut it out with your stupid tricks! This is your last warning!" He yells.

After class I walk around the village for a while. I start to get hungry so I head to the closest shop by which happened to be Ichiraku ramen shop. As I walk in I notice two familiar faces.
"Oh hi Naruko, Iruka sensei." I say nodding to the two of them Naruko smiles up at me.
"Hi Loki!" She greets back.
"Oh what a coincident to meet you here." Iruka sensei says with a smile.
"What would you like?" The man behind the counter asks.
"Oh um. I don't know what do you have?" I ask.
"What?!" Naruko shouts.
"Do you know what ramen is?" She asks.
"Noodles." I state.
"There heaven in a bowl!"
"Ramen can't be that good."
"Oh yeah! Teuchi get him a bowl of miso pork ramen." She tells the man named Teuchi. He goes and fixes me a bowel while Iruka just chuckles.

"Arigato." I say while breaking my chopsticks. I slurp some up while Naruko looks at me with anticipation.
"So how was it?" She asks.
"It was really good, but dango is better."
"What?! No way!"
"Yeah way." She glares at me then sticks her tongue out.
"By the way weren't you supposed to be cleaning the Hokage faces?" I ask.
"Oh I got done early because of motivation!" She says holding up her bowl of ramen. "Oh Iruka sensei I have a favor to ask you!" She says kind of shyly.
"You want another bowl?" He asks. She shakes her head no.
"Can I try on your headband? Pretty please!" She asks cutely.
"What this? No way! You have to wait until tomorrow after you pass the examination." He says.
"What! That's so uncool!" She shouts crossing her arms. I chuckle at her childish actions.
"Wait is that why you took off your goggles?" Iruka asks.
"Um I want another bowl!" This makes me burst out in laughter.
"I'm home." I shout out to no one in particular.
"Oh you were out late." My mom says from the kitchen obviously cleaning up after dinner.
"Yeah Sorry I was looking around." My mom gave a nod of understanding understanding that I wanted to get used to my surroundings seeming at which I never got to see when I was younger. "Also I already ate dinner." I yell down while half way up the stair case.
"Okay. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." I call back. As I jump into bed my thoughts run over tomorrow. What will the test be on exactly? I guess I could lay here contemplating about it or just wait and see tomorrow. I let out a sigh and close my eyes.

I open my eyes only to notice I'm back here no... That's not possible... I was saved from here. I look up only to be meet with a bright light. Even if the light wasn't there I wouldn't have the slightest clue who my kidnapper looked like, being that he always hides behind a mask.
"How is it that possible? You have not an ounce of chakra yet Your living." Says a deep male voice.
"Shall we proceed on testing him?" Says another deep male voice.
"No other way to find out is there?" Many more people come and hold me down. Although I find it pointless since I'm exhausted, they must have caught on to me not giving up. Needles after needles pierce my skin watching in horror I see nothing, but white where my chakra should have been. I then hear I distant screaming.

I wake up panting and screaming. I calm myself down and check the clock. 4:31 I'm supposed to be at the academy by 6:30. I jump out of bed knowing full well I wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep. I take a quick shower and pull on some clothes. I head downstairs only to bump into Sakura. She turns around and attempts to slap me. Only to have me grab her wrist before she could.
"What the hell!" I shout. She looks shocked and pulls her hand away.
"Sorry I didn't know it was you." She says.
"It's fine." I walk downstairs and grab some dango out of the fridge.
"Seriously your going to be as fat as jupiter." She says while rolling her eyes. I shrug.
"Sorry I'm not an anorexic pig." I say. She glares at me.
"Why you!" She yells launching at me. I easily dodge her and chuckle.
"Oh sorry isn't Ino the pig?" I say with a smirk. She launches again I grab her wrist and lift her off the ground a bit and smile.
"You meanie!" She pouts.
"You started it, saying I was going to be as big as Jupiter." I say. I let go of her wrist and start eating my dango again. She huffs and grabs my hand dragging me out the door. We end up at the academy faster than I thought we would and I was still eating my dango. I finished it off and threw the stick away. I sit down next to Shikamaru while Iruka sensei goes over what we're going to be doing for the examination. After a while my named got called out.

As I enter the room Iruka sensei and Mizuki sensei were both sitting behind a table with headbands on top of it.
"It's alright if you don't get it since it is your first try. Also considering your condition..." Iruka sensei says trailing off. While Mizuki looks sort of bored. Figures I can feel his lust of power in the other room. Considering I don't have chakra I'm safe from him. I nod my head in understanding and form the handsign I concentrate trying to find even a little scrap of chakra finally I sense something and focus my attention on that. I manage to get two shadow clones. I huff. That. Was. Exhausting. I think while wiping sweat from my brow.
"Well done. Better than I expected." Mizuki Sensei says. I glare over at him. I walk over to the table and grab a headband. I walk out with it on my forehead. I look over to Naruko who looked like she was sweating buckets.
"Oh Loki-kun you passed!" Yells... Some girl... I can't remember her name. Oops. Everyone else looks at me while a couple girls squeal. What are they squealing about? I just ignore the girls whispering and beckoning calls and walk in front of Naruko who doesn't seem to notice me at first.
"Yo." I greet.
"Huh?" She says looking up. "Loki-kun?"
"You shouldn't be so worried have some faith in yourself. I mean what kind of future Hokage would you be if you couldn't conquor your fear?" She smiles brightly.
"Thanks Loki-kun!" She yells jumping up and hugging me.
"Naruko! Get off my Loki-kun!" I hear Ino yell. Naruko looks over at her and sticks her tongue out while pointing her finger at her eye.
"Go to your duckbutt." She calls back with her arms still draped around my neck. Well this is... Interesting.
"What did you say?!" Ino yells.
"Naruko Uzimaki." Iruka calls her back. I walk over to my seat next to Shikamaru and drift of into thought. Barely a minute has past and we're out of class.
"I hear she's the only one who hasn't passed." I hear a girl say.
"Tch. Serves her right." Another girl replys to her friend.
"I mean she's the girl that..." She started to say. I walk up to them.
"The girl that what?" I ask.
"Oh Loki-kun! Its nothing really." She says looking nervous while blushing. "Has anyone told you your easy on the eyes?" She asks.
How old was that saying? That's kind of corny too... I slowly back away while the two girls get into a fight about whose going to touch my hair first.

I look toward the swing where I last saw Naruko. She was now jumping onto the roofs with Mizuki Sensei. Hm I wonder what that's about. I start to follow them then curse under my breath. Ugh I can't jump buildings... Oh well looks like I'm walking.

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