Chapter 12: Once More

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GUYS!!!! I'm sorry it has taken me more than three months to update. I've been SO busy with school restarting and readjusting to having to manage my time and bleghh. All that stuff. I hope you enjoy this next chapter, and I once again apologize for any typos and out of character moments that I know this story has XD Thanks for reading and sticking around guys. Comment if you wanna say anything to me, I usually reply, and please vote if you enjoyed it ^_^ Thanks again! Hope to update sooner this time XP

You struggled with the mouth gag that was tightly wound around your face. It was pretty much guaranteed that there'd be bruising from the tight hand shackles that you were fighting against. Desperate cries came out completely muffled and drowned out from the cloth that bound your mouth shut, and tears began pooling in the corners of your (e/c) eyes.

"RHMMM!!HMRMMMM!!" Is what came out as you yelled for Ryuu and Zoro.

The man standing across from you cackled. " Dear (Y/n)-san. How I've longed to see you again. How long has it been? But a few years, perhaps?"

You instantly stopped squirming to glare at him. This was him. The retched man who claimed to be Lurina's master on that long ago day. However, he had drastically changed since you had last saw him.

His previously long black hair was now short, and slicked back with a left side part. Tribal markings no longer adorned his tan skin, and instead of the loose garments of the Miwok tribe, he wore all black clothing. A long, black coat rested on his shoulders, similar to the one Lurina had wore when you saw her. The same, familiar emblem was embroidered onto the left breast pocket of the dark clothing, and the words you knew like the back of your hand were still tattooed and prominently shown on the right collarbone of the figure before you.

Catching your gaze, the man smirked and lifted your chin. "Hmm? Like what you see, Ojou-sama?" You ripped your head from his fingers, refusing to feel his vile touch. He pouted mockingly and whimpered, "Ohh. (Y/n)-san." He again reached out to brush stray pieces of your (h/c) hair from your forehead. You winced, nauseated by how close he was to you.

His brown eyes caught a glimpse of the scar on the left side of your head, that you absolutely hated talking about. You didn't even know how you got it, and Ryuu insisted that he didn't either, but something about the long jagged line that ran from your hair part to an inch from behind you ear made you angry. The crew didn't dare ask about it after you barked at Luffy for bringing it up when you had met.

He continued to stare at the blemish. Unless you were looking for it, you'd never notice its presence. After a while, he brushed your hair from its draped place at your back to your left shoulder, exposing the back of your neck. Your breathing became ragged with agitation and slight fear as the man inspected your skin. His finger glided across its surface as he made his way to your right collarbone.

Upon seeing that you did not have a certain phrase of words inked onto your skin, he removed his hands from you.

His head shook back and forth with disappointment as he shuffled away from you and to a chair a little further in the corner of the dimly lit room.

Your eyes narrowed with hatred as he took a seat and stared at you. Oh how you wished this gag wasn't keeping you from running your mouth at him. If you'd had the chance, you would've bit him when he touched you. His pain was worth the disgusting taste of his flesh in your mouth. (**A/N Ew.)

Pru pru pru. Pru pru pru.

The Den-den Mushi that sat on a nearby table began ringing. Reaching over, the black-haired man lifted the receiver and spoke in a hushed voice. At one point, you could hear irritation and anger in his voice, as the volume and spitefulness of his speech began rising. Minutes of disputations between the two people on the line passed before he slammed the receiver down onto the snail phone and lay back in his chair.

After a little while, he once more got up from his seat and loomed over you.

"I really didn't want to start the party early, but, guess there's no helping it." He looked you up and down.

"Let's begin."


Chopper POV

"HAAH?!!??!" Robin and Franky froze and stared at Nami. Instantaneously, they both lurched from the spot at the front of the Sunny to where Brook, Usopp, Nami and I stood gaping at its rear.

Franky's hair popped out and he screamed, "WHAT THE?!" as his eyes landed on Ryuu, the paddle boat, and the freshly smoking weapon in Ryuu's shaking hands.

Robin made a gasping noise and stiffened behind Franky. The first to speak up, after the short moment of silence that followed, was Franky.

"O-oi! Ryuu! What the heck are you doing!?"

Ryuu remained silent and looked away from us. The weapon in his hands was still aimed dangerously at the rudder of the ship.

"Ryuu!" Nami began. "Answer us! What are you doing?!!?! We won't be able to steer if that rudder breaks!"

Again, the Okami twin said nothing and blankly gazed at the horizon.

"R-ryuu?" Usopp questioned shortly after.

More minutes of silence followed; the quiet lapping of water against the Sunny being the only sound heard.

I struggled with my words as I tried to reach out to Ryuu as well. "Ryuu..." I whimpered, on the verge of breaking out into hysterics.

Ryuu visibly flinched at the sound of my quiet plea, but still harbored a cold look in his eyes. Suddenly, he squeezed his eyes shut, and pointed his weapon directly at our stunned faces. He fired before we could do anything.

The last thing any of us saw before we were enveloped in smoke was Ryuu's crying and sobbing figure.


Zoro POV (**A/N Whooo we are all over the place lol)

Where the f was I?

Once again, I found myself in the forest. But a different forest of course, because I would never had a sense of direction so bad, that I'd stumble exactly where I was before.

So how did I wind up standing over the bodies of two tribal warriors?

Must've been a different pair of men who also happened to be slashed in the stomachs as well.

As I started for a new direction to wander, I felt a grimy hand enlace itself around my right foot. Looking down at my feet, I found the warrior below me's eyes searching my face with urgency. I intently stared back at him.

He spoke, with fear in his voice, before he collapsed to the ground once more.

I lingered for a moment longer, then left the two bodies as they were. Before they were out of sight, I turned back to look at the discarded men, and found the one who had rambled those odd words smirking deviously.

Sorry, I know this chapter was kinda shorter than usual, but that hows its gotta be right now. See you next chapter!


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